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Dive deeper into mRNA vaccines and their future | Drugs

Dive deeper into mRNA vaccines and their future | Drugs
Dive deeper into mRNA vaccines and their future | Drugs


Description of mRNA vaccine

(WKOW)-It was more than a year ago that mRNA technology ran two vaccines and changed the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Pfizer and Modana vaccines were produced at record speeds, shortly after which an emergency use authorization was issued.

This led to the greatest vaccination effort in American history, with mRNA technology catalyzing rapid deployment.

“I think this is a truly innovative technology, and medicine will change dramatically in the future,” said Dr. Aaron Hoskins, professor of biochemistry at UW-Madison Wasson.

According to Hoskins, the technology works by giving the body a blueprint to build protection against viruses.

“They give instructions to put that protein into your cells, then your cells make the protein, and you generate an antibody response,” Hoskins said.

Unlike traditional vaccines that need to be produced in animals and plants, mRNA vaccines can be developed in the laboratory.

Hoskins says this makes them a good choice.

“One of the big advantages is the ability to respond quickly to changes in viruses and mutants, so it’s much easier to make a new mRNA vaccine than to make a new traditional vaccine,” Hoskins said. I am saying.

Some people have expressed concern about how fast the vaccines were produced and whether they are really safe because this is the first actual test of medical technology.

Hoskins and other scientific experts say that mRNA technology has been extensively studied for decades, even before this pandemic.

“I’m convinced that it’s a good thing, as it’s clearly undergoing rigorous testing,” said Kathy Sen, a UW-Madison graduate student participating in the integrated biochemistry program.

Karli Lipinski, a UW-Madison graduate student participating in the chemistry program, said:

However, the benefits of mRNA technology can extend beyond COVID-19. The CDC states that past viruses such as influenza, deer, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) have been previously studied.

Future vaccine technology may also provide protection against multiple illnesses.

“I think this has a big future. I think we can make vaccines for diseases that were not previously considered vaccine candidates. Therefore, they become viral and other illnesses. There is a possibility. This has a big future. In personalized cancer treatment. “

Pandemics have been a dark time for everyone, but mRNA technology may be the light of the end of a tunnel to fight the virus that killed millions of people around the world.

It can also save countless lives from other viruses in the future.

MRNA technology could become important again as major vaccine distributors are considering the possibility of creating additional vaccines and booster shots to combat the Omicron variant.





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