Experts Encourage Americans to Get Influenza Vaccinated
The United States may have evaded a “quirky” country last year, but health experts say the country may not be so lucky this season.
More than 800,000 cases of coronavirus are reported weekly in the United States, but influenza cases and hospitalizations are steadily increasing.
Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said the flu was back.
“Last year we talked about’eccentric’, but with the relaxation of masks and the expansion of social distance, I think we’ll see it this year,” he said.
Influenza cases have not yet reached pre-pandemic levels. However, as of December 4th. Walgreens influenza index Influenza activity is reported to be 335% higher nationwide this season compared to last season Seasons of the same period.
Dr. Kevin Bang, Walgreens Chief Medical Officer, said: “This may be due to increased face-to-face interactions in certain areas and reduced COVID-19 mitigation measures.”
Weekly hospitalizations for influenza increased from 288 in the week until October 30 to nearly 500 in the week until November 27. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s weekly influenza monitoring report.
Hospitalizations for influenza are inferior to the 90,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations reported last week, but medical experts say the hospital system cannot handle the extra stress.
According to a USA TODAY analysis of US health and welfare service data, hospitals in 39 states reported more COVID-19 patients than a week ago, while hospitals in 36 states had more COVID-19 patients in intensive care units. rice field.
“Hospital capacity is an issue, and the addition of influenza this season could pose a real risk in that patients can be treated in the hospital,” Glatter said. “It’s going to be a tough winter season as the flu is expected to hit hard.”
Health experts are also concerned about the availability of testing supplies, as the number of people tested for influenza will double this season compared to the 2019-2020 season. In the week ending November 27, the CDC reported more than 43,000 specimens tested for influenza. Only about 21,000 samples were tested in the same week of 2019.
According to experts, the surge in testing is due to the double testing of COVID-19 and influenza. With a single swab, people can be tested for coronavirus and influenza A and B. With the rise in COVID-19, influenza and cold cases, more Americans are waking up with snuffs and being tested to see if quarantine is needed. ..
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Arvind Kothandaraman, Managing Director of Special Diagnostics at PerkinElmer, a diagnostics and life sciences company, said: “Last year, the medical system was overloaded by a pandemic, especially due to the lack of components needed for infectious disease testing.”
A record number of Americans emerged to be vaccinated against the flu in 2020, but recent research shows that not many have been vaccinated this year.
Survey issued by SingleCareThe free prescription savings service, influenza vaccine filling from August to November, was found to be 53% lower than the filling in the same period in 2020.
“Whether people feel protected with the COVID vaccine, are experiencing vaccine malaise, or are unaware that they can and should be vaccinated against the flu. Nonetheless, there are concerns about low vaccination rates, “said Ramzi Yacoub, Chief Pharmacy Officer at Single Care. “People need to realize that it is still important to be immunized from the flu each year.”
As of November 20, about 39% of the US populationAccording to the CDC, he was vaccinated against the flu this season.
The CDC recommends that everyone over 6 months be vaccinated against influenza annually by the end of October. But health experts say it’s never too late to get vaccinated.
“As the holiday season goes well and more people are gathering and traveling, influenza activity could stay on the upside for the next few months,” Van said. “This latest data highlights the crucial importance of being vaccinated against the flu as another line of defense to maintain the health of ourselves and those around us.”
Follow Adrianna Rodriguez on Twitter: @AdriannaUSAT.
Health and patient safety coverage at USA TODAY was partially made possible by grants from the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition in Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation does not provide editorial input.
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