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WHO and St. Jude to dramatically increase global access to childhood cancer drugs

WHO and St.  Jude to dramatically increase global access to childhood cancer drugs
WHO and St.  Jude to dramatically increase global access to childhood cancer drugs


World Health Organization and St. Paul’s Children’s Research Hospital Jude today announced plans to establish a platform that will dramatically increase access to childhood cancer drugs worldwide.

The Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Drugs, the first of its kind, will ensure an uninterrupted supply of quality childhood cancer drugs to low- and middle-income countries. St. Jude is investing six years, $ 200 million to launch a platform, which will provide free medicines to countries participating in the pilot phase. This is the largest financial commitment for global efforts in pediatric cancer drugs to date.

“Nearly nine out of ten children with cancer live in low- and middle-income countries,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Survival in these countries is less than 30%, compared to 80% in high-income countries. This new platform, based on the success of the Global Childhood Cancer Initiative, launched with St. Jude 2018, will help correct this unacceptable imbalance and give hope to many thousands of parents facing the devastating reality of a child with cancer. ”

Cheap, high-quality and continuous anti-cancer drugs for children

It is estimated that about 400,000 children worldwide are diagnosed with cancer each year. Most children living in low- and middle-income countries are unable to obtain or afford anti-cancer drugs on an ongoing basis. As a result, nearly 100,000 children die each year.

The new platform aims to provide safe and effective anti-cancer drugs for approximately 120,000 children between 2022 and 2027, with the expectation that it will increase in the coming years. This platform will provide end-to-end support ̶ consolidating global market design demand; assisting countries in choosing medicines; development of treatment standards; and building information systems to monitor the provision of effective care and to foster innovation.

“St. Jude was founded on a mission to advance the research and treatment of childhood cancer and other catastrophic pediatric diseases. Nearly 60 years later, we stand with the World Health Organization, partner organizations and our Global Alliance collaborators to extend that promise to children around the world, “said James R. Downing, MD, President and CEO of St. Jude.” With this platform. , we are building the infrastructure to ensure that children everywhere have access to safe cancer drugs. ”

This innovative approach will open a new chapter in the approach to cancer care by addressing the availability of medicines in low- and middle-income countries, often complicated by higher prices, supply disruptions and out-of-pocket spending resulting in financial difficulties.

According to a WHO Country Capacity Survey on Noncommunicable Diseases published in 2020, only 29% of low-income countries report that cancer drugs are generally available to their populations compared to 96% of high-income countries. By bringing together the needs of children with cancer globally, the new platform will limit the purchase of non-standard and counterfeit medicines as a result of unauthorized purchases and the limited capacity of national regulatory authorities.

“Unless we address the shortage and poor quality of cancer drugs in many parts of the world, there are very few options for curing these children,” said Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, MD, executive vice president and president of the St. Louis Department. Jude Department of St. Global Pediatric Medicine and Director of St. Jude Global. “Healthcare providers must have access to a reliable source of cancer drugs that are the current standard of care. We in St. Jude, with our co-founders at the WHO and many vital partners around the world, we can help. ”

“WHO, St Jude and partners will spare no effort to provide children with access to cancer drugs,” added Dr. Bente Mikkelsen, director of the WHO’s Department of Noncommunicable Diseases. “WHO is on the ground, working with governments to provide support and services to ensure that all children have access to the best possible cancer treatment.”

Pilot phase in 12 countries

During the initial two-year pilot phase, medicines will be purchased and distributed in 12 countries through a process involving governments, cancer centers and NGOs already active in providing cancer care. Discussions are already under way with governments to determine the countries that will participate in this pilot phase. By the end of 2027, 50 countries are expected to receive medicines for childhood cancer through the platform.

Kathy Pritchard-Jones, president of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology, said; “We are looking forward to working with St. Jude and WHO are on this path to ensure that all children, everywhere, have access to quality cancer drugs. The platform is the dream of our more than 2,600 global members. ”

João Bragança, President of Childhood Cancer International, added: “Cancer should not be the death penalty, no matter where the child lives. By developing this platform, St. Jude helps families gain access to medicines that save their children. By working together, we can change the outcome for children with cancer around the world. ”

Continuation of cooperation

World Health Organization and St. Paul’s Children’s Research Hospital Jude first collaborated in 2018, when St. Jude became the WHO’s first collaborative center for childhood cancer and awarded $ 15 million to create the Global Children’s Cancer Initiative. This initiative supports more than 50 governments in building and maintaining local cancer programs and aims to increase survival to 60% by 2030. The platform is synergistic with the Global Initiative, and activities undertaken through this new effort are expected to significantly contribute to the initiative . goals.

The Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Drugs is part of it The six-year strategic plan of St. Jude focused on accelerating progress in tackling catastrophic childhood diseases globally through the institution’s greatest investment in research and patient care.


World Health Organization

Dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization (WHO) leads and supports global efforts to give everyone, everywhere, an equal chance at a safe and healthy life. WHO is the UN’s health agency that connects nations, partners and people on the front lines in more than 150 locations – leading the world’s response to health emergencies, preventing disease, addressing the root causes of health problems and expanding access to medicines and healthcare. The mission of the WHO is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable.

When it comes to childhood cancer, the WHO is working with more than 100 global partners to support governments, through Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer, develop high-quality cancer centers and regional satellites that provide early and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of children with cancer. The WHO is also developing standards and tools to guide the planning and implementation of interventions for early diagnosis, treatment, and palliative and survivor care.

To learn more, visit WHO Childhood Cancer Page or follow @WHO on social media

St. John’s Children’s Research Hospital Jude

St. John’s Children’s Research Hospital Jude in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, is a global leader in the research and treatment of childhood cancer and other life-threatening pediatric diseases. St. Jude is the only Comprehensive Cancer Center designated by the National Cancer Institute and is intended exclusively for children. Treatments developed in St. They have helped Jude increase her childhood cancer survival rate in the U.S. from 20% to 80% since the hospital opened in 1962. Jude is expanding his mission to help more children around the world. In 2018, St. Jude and the World Health Organization have launched the Global Childhood Cancer Initiative to increase the survival rate to 60% by 2030 for the most common forms of childhood cancer. St. Jude Global Alliance is a global network with a shared vision to improve care and increase the survival rates of children with cancer and blood disorders worldwide.

To learn more, visit or follow St. Jude on social media at @stjuderesearch




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