Washington needs to prepare for a surge in Omicron COVID, public health says
Seattle — Seattle and King County officials urged people on Friday to prepare for the proliferation of Omicron COVID-19 as highly infectious variants spread throughout the region.
“The UWMedicine Virology Lab tests 100-200 samples a day and sees the mutants grow rapidly within a few days,” said an assistant at the Institute of Medical and Clinical Virology, University of Washington. Director Dr. Alex Greninger said.
Currently, more than one-third of the COVID samples they sequence are subspecies of Omicron, and authorities say that by December 22, Omicron cases could reach more than 2,100 cases per day in King County alone. I expect it.
Dr. Jeff Duchin, a health officer in Seattle and King County, is now an important time for people to do what they can to limit the number of people who get sick, and Washington’s already stressed health system. It means that it can overload.
Although the severity of the Omicron case is not yet clear, Duchin finds that this variant remains unvaccinated, especially those who have relied on previous COVID-19 infections for immunity. Said it was obvious.
“We can also expect the vaccine to continue to be effective against severe infections,” he added. “The most important thing we can do is to get the vaccine and boost it, even if we are already infected with COVID,” he said.
He said the vaccine helps delay the spread of this variant, along with other means such as high quality masking, restriction of indoor gatherings, and if possible postponement of travel.
He also said that businesses and medical facilities should plan impacts on the workforce and reduce risk, and schools may see impacts from more cases after winter vacation.
Earlier this week, state health officials announced an outbreak of about 85 COVID-19s associated with a recent high school wrestling tournament. On Friday, state officials said an estimated 200 incidents were related to the event and updated the health and safety requirements for high-contact indoor sports.
People involved in such sports, from coaches to trainers to athletes, should be tested for COVID-19 three times a week, regardless of vaccination status. They also repeated that spectators at indoor events had to wear masks and stay away from non-family spectators. Officials said everyone involved in sports should continue to wear masks when not actively competing.
“Omicron is a game changer, but we know that layered precautions slow the spread of COVID-19 in sports, schools and communities.” Lacy Fe, Deputy Secretary for COVID-19. Renbach said. “Get vaccinated, boosted, wear proper masks, stay away and help kids stay healthy, stay in the game and stay in school.”
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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