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Canada’s Extradition Decision Against Huawei May Trigger New Chinese Response | New



By David Ljunggren and Steve Scherer

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canadian court ruling that could allow for the extradition of a senior official from Huawei Technologies Co Ltd [HWT.UL] An American leader leaves Canada vulnerable to further retaliation from Beijing, analysts said.

Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou on Wednesday lost a challenge to a U.S. attempt to extradite him to face charges of bank fraud, a move the Chinese embassy in Ottawa has strongly condemned.

For Canada, the stakes are high. After Meng’s arrest in Vancouver in December 2018, China arrested two Canadian citizens on state security charges and blocked imports of canola seeds.

This month, Chinese company CanSino Biologics Inc began working with the country’s National Research Council to “pave the way” for future trials of COVID-19 vaccines in Canada. China provided the country with personal protective equipment during the epidemic.

“If China decides to cut us off from these things, people will die,” said Stephanie Carvin, assistant professor and security expert at Carleton University in Ottawa.

“My biggest concern is that cooperation is disappearing very quickly and that it leaves us in a very bad position,” she added.

Guy Saint-Jacques, Canada’s former ambassador to China, has predicted that Beijing will announce a trial date for the two Canadian citizens it detains, as well as more punitive trade measures.

Chinese President “Xi Jinping will want to appear strong and will want to be seen to be acting against Canada,” Saint-Jacques told Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

Asked Thursday about the fear of a Chinese backlash, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not respond. Rather, he stressed that the Canadian justice system is independent and renewed his call for the immediate release of citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.

“We will continue to defend our interests and our values,” added Trudeau.

“There are a lot of issues at stake,” said Roland Paris, a former Trudeau foreign policy advisor and professor of international affairs at the University of Ottawa.

Managing relations with China is like “walking the razor’s edge,” he said.

“Our approach to China is not naive and … we are not afraid to take a firm and firm stand when we need it,” a government source in Ottawa said, requesting anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation. .

Professor Paul Evans of the University of British Columbia predicted that the two inmates would remain behind bars for some time.

The decision “is not going to make the lives of the two Michaels easier,” he said.

(Report by David Ljunggren; Editing by Steve Scherer, Marguerita Choy and David Gregorio)

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