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Pakistan celebrated “Nuclear Test Day” when the Islamic Republic achieved parity with India


After Prime Minister Imran Khan, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday threatened India with an adequate response to any border hostility against Pakistan, while threatening India to interfere in Afghanistan.

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State radio Pakistan Radio, quoted by FM Qureshi, said: India’s warmongering is aimed at provoking Pakistan, but we have been patient in the past and will show restraint in the future, but Qureshi stressed that Islamabad reserves a full right to its defense.

Qureshi said the Pakistani military had shot down an Indian drone, which was an example of Indian aggression. According to reports, the Pakistani army killed an Indian spy quadcopter in the Rakhchikri sector along the line of control.

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In a series of tweets, Pakistan FM said: Tonight, Pakistan detected and killed an Indian spy quadcopter in the Rachkiri area along the LOC. This is another example of unbridled Modis war propaganda, which is causing dangerous instability in the region.

Border disputes with Pakistan, China and Nepal, the illegal occupation of IOJ & K, depriving its own citizens of their rights and interference in Afghanistan have Modi played with fire. This Indian government does not seem to understand the language of peace and the importance of stability.

This evening, Pakistan detected and killed an Indian spy quadcopter in the Rachkiri sector along the LOC. This is another example of unbridled Modis war propaganda, which is causing dangerous instability in the region. 1/2

– Shah Mahmood Qureshi (@SMQureshiPTI) May 27, 2020

According to the Director General of ISPR, the quadcopter had penetrated 650 meters on the Pakistan side of the LoC. He said that the intrusion of the Indian spy quadcopter is saffron terrorism.

Border disputes with Pakistan, China and Nepal, the illegal occupation of IOJ & K, depriving its own citizens of their rights and interference in Afghanistan have Modi played with fire. This Indian government does not seem to understand the language of peace and the importance of stability.

– Shah Mahmood Qureshi (@SMQureshiPTI) May 27, 2020

Qureshi also said – We prefer the path to peace, but our desire for peace should not be confused with our weakness. Qureshi also sent a clear message to New Delhi to act sensibly and live in peace.

In recent weeks, Qureshi and Prime Minister Imran Khan have repeatedly attacked the Modi government over the situation in Kashmir and the treatment of Indian minorities. Prime Minister Khan even berated India for mismanaging the border dispute with Nepal.

The Hindutva Supremacist Modi Govt with its arrogant expansionist policy, similar to the Nazi Lebensraum (Living Space), becomes a threat to India’s neighbors. Bangladesh through citizenship law, border disputes with Nepal and China, and Pak threatened with false flag

– Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) May 27, 2020

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Meanshile Aisha Farooqui said India threatens not only peace and security in the region, but also human rights and the right to freedom for all minorities under its jurisdiction.

Speaking, exclusively to Farooqui of Radio Pakistan, India, through its unilateral actions, advances the agenda inspired by RSS in the region, which is increasingly becoming a threat to peace and tranquility in the region.

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