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Coronavirus Covid-19 News: Cruise ship vacationers ignore warning


Port Miami Pier Cruise Terminal on Dodge Island, east of Miami, Florida on March 7.

Photographer: Daniel Slim / AFP via Getty Images

In the world's busiest cruise port, thousands of vacationers have paid little attention to a government warning Americans to avoid setting sail on huge ships.

Passengers lined up at The Miami terminal of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. Monday to board the Norwegian Sky, with little to say about the contraction of the new coronavirus which has infected more than 113,000 people worldwide.

Michelle Yaminitsky, a 20-year-old student at North Carolina State University, and three of her friends booked a five-day cruise to the Bahamas two months ago for their spring break. Norwegian had offered them credit for sailing at a later date, but it was the only time they could all go together.

"We have certainly heard a lot of criticism for doing it," said Yaminitsky. "But we decided that if we disinfect, it would be good."

The coronavirus has strained healthcare systems around the world, putting pressure on economies and beating stock markets. Cruise lines have been criticized after more than 700 people on a Princess ship tested positive near Japan, while another who Moored in California on Monday had at least 21 cases. The U.S. Department of State warned that citizens should avoid cruising, especially those with underlying health problems.

Carnival Corp. shares fell 20% in the middle of a market rout on Monday, while Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. dropped 26% and Norwegian plunged 27%. In less than two months, the three operators based in the United States lost approximately $ 47 billion at market value.

The quays of Grand Princess cruise ships at the port of Oakland "data-native-src =" " class = "lazy- img__image" data-img-type = "photo

The cruise ship Carnival Corp. Grand Princess is docked at the port of Oakland, California on March 9.

Photographer: David Paul Morris / Bloomberg

But the PortMiami scene suggested that at least some cruise fans were not deterred by the virus.

In a passenger unloading area opposite the Norwegian terminal, the baggage handlers were busy picking up the suitcases of travelers arriving by car. Kevin Moore, a 46-year-old tank top, said PortMiami was busy as usual despite government warnings.

However, there were precautions: when Moore went to work, he had to have his temperature taken before the start of his shift.

concerns "If we disinfect, everything will be fine": cruise fans ignore the American alert "data-native-src =" -1x-1 .jpg "class =" lazy-img__image "data-img-type =" photo

Passengers prepare to board a cruise ship at the Port of Miami on March 9.

Photographer: Jayme Gershen / Bloomberg

Alex Mrouge, 20, Albert Hilbert, 22, and Mike Williams, 22, also said they were not worried about coronavirus while waiting to board Norwegian Sky for a spring break.

Mrouge said that as long as he avoids contact with a lot of people, he should be fine. "And if you do, wash your hands," he said.

"The worst comes to the worst, we are quarantined," said Hilbert.

Worried Forties Prospect Ee Thao, 35-year-old Norwegian Sky passenger from Minneapolis, who said staying on the ship for a long time would be difficult because she and her husband could not return home for their children and work. Still, she was not going to go back on the trip she had planned for a year.

"I was not too worried about the virus," said Thao. "We were going to go despite what happened."

– With the help of Jonathan Levin

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