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Married at first sight: the interior is preparing houses across Australia


It is currently the week in homestay for the bride and groom on Married at first sight.

And Monday evening, Michael Goonan, Drew Brauer, Jonethen Musulin and Josh Pihlak offered their "wives" a guided tour of their very different homes.

While Michael's $ 1.1 million mansion in Adelaide has left spectators impressed, Drew's Cairns teddy bear collection has caused confusion.

It gets serious! During Monday's MAFS episode, the newlyweds welcomed their "wives" into their homes for the week with the locals. Pictured: Michael Goonan and Stacey Hampton in his pool

It gets serious! During Monday's MAFS episode, the newlyweds welcomed their "wives" into their homes for the week with the locals. Pictured: Michael Goonan and Stacey Hampton in his pool


Drew flew to Cairns with his "wife", KC Osborne, for a stay in his tropical bungalow.

After they clashed over Drew's closeness to his mysterious housewife, KC was happy to find that they would be home alone.

But the collection of teddy bears around Drew's living room left her puzzled.

The $ 355,000 bungalow is split into two apartments, Drew and his roommate renting the self-contained two-bedroom unit for $ 400 per week.

Cozy: Drew Brauer flew to Cairns with his `` wife '' & KC Osborne, to stay in his bungalow (photo)

Cozy: Drew Brauer flew to Cairns with his “ wife '' & KC Osborne, to stay in his bungalow (photo)

Please explain! KC was baffled by Drew's teddy bear collection in the living room

Please explain! KC was baffled by Drew's teddy bear collection in the living room

Is this Jessie's stuffed toy? Drew lives with a lovely roommate named Jessie, of whom KC is jealous

Is this Jessie's stuffed toy? Drew lives with a lovely roommate named Jessie, of whom KC is jealous

Not a bad price! The $ 355,000 bungalow is divided into two apartments, Drew and his roommate renting the two bedroom self-contained unit for $ 400 per week

Not a bad price! The $ 355,000 bungalow is divided into two apartments, Drew and his roommate renting the two bedroom self-contained unit for $ 400 per week


Michael welcomed Stacey Hampton to his mansion northwest of Adelaide. He bought the property for $ 1.1 million in 2014, when he was still in his early 20s.

The luxury home has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two garages, as well as a home theater and swimming pool, and is now estimated to cost 1.5 million dollars.

Michael rents the place for $ 1,000 per night on Airbnb when he is away for work.

It's huge! Michael Goonan welcomed Stacey Hampton to his mansion northwest of Adelaide. He bought the property for $ 1.1 million in 2014 while he was still in his early 20s

It's huge! Michael Goonan welcomed Stacey Hampton to his mansion northwest of Adelaide. He bought the property for $ 1.1 million in 2014 while he was still in his early 20s


The luxury home has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two garages, as well as a home theater and swimming pool, and is now estimated to be $ 1.5 million.

You could stay here! Michael rents the place for $ 1000 per night when he is away for work

You could stay here! Michael rents the place for $ 1000 per night when he is away for work


Connie Crayden was impressed by the spacious bungalow of her "husband" Jonethen Musulin on the Gold Coast.

Although her room was not inviting – with nothing but a pile of laundry next to an acoustic guitar – there is plenty of space for entertaining .

The garage has been converted into a ping pong room, there is a pristine lounge area and the patio also has a whirlpool tub for guests.

I take it! Connie Crayden was impressed by the spacious bungalow of her "husband" Jonethen Musulin on the Gold Coast

I take it! Connie Crayden was impressed by the spacious bungalow of her "husband" Jonethen Musulin on the Gold Coast

Surprise! The living room was surprisingly clean and tidy, and had plenty of space for guests

Surprise! The living room was surprisingly clean and tidy, and had plenty of space for guests

Party time! Jonethen's garage has been transformed into a table tennis hall

Jump! There is also a hot tub on the patio

Party time! Jonethen's garage has been turned into a table tennis hall (left), and there is a hot tub on the patio (right)

Spacious! Jonethen's kitchen and dining area is flooded with natural light

Spacious! Jonethen's kitchen and dining area is flooded with natural light


It's the holidays all year round for Josh Pihlak, who has had his Christmas tree since 2018 at his home in Newcastle.

Despite the festive atmosphere, her dated floral linens and her bland bedroom did not impress his "wife", Cathy Evans.

After the couple navigated a dog poo-filled backyard, Josh revealed that his house overlooked a "swamp" full of ibis.

Steep alley: Josh Pihlak welcomed Cathy Evans to his home in Newcastle

Steep alley: Josh Pihlak welcomed Cathy Evans to his home in Newcastle

Single cushion! Her dated floral linens and bland bedroom weren't impressive

Single cushion! Her dated floral linens and bland bedroom weren't impressive

Festive! It's the holidays all year round for Josh, who has had the Christmas tree since 2018

Festive! It's the holidays all year round for Josh, who has had the Christmas tree since 2018

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