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Boris Johnson now ranks alongside Trump, Putin and Bolsonaro in his total failure against the coronavirus


Thursday afternoon, two prime ministers of two major European powers held talks with their peoples.

In Paris, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe unveiled a regular shift region by region towards normalcy, with the opening of bars, restaurants and beaches next week. In London, Boris Johnson announced that from Monday, a family of four could have a cup of tea in the garden with two other people provided they stay two meters apart and do not touching too many door handles. Meanwhile, the figures for the excessive mortality rate have given Johnson, finally, a leading position in the world: top of the table of deaths per million.

Its happy Monday! trilled the Daily Mail Friday morning. Almost the entire press has seen this tiny easing but still risked one more day of death here than in most other European countries combined, and on which the heads of government medical and scientific services were gagged to say if Prime Minister Dominic Cummings’ primary aide had damaged public health messages as the biggest thing that happened all week.

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The rest of the world, not for the first time, is taken aback. Check out a clip I shared on social media this week from an interview with Gabriel Scally, a leading Northern Irish epidemiologist working in Bristol. I have the rage of Cummings. But where is the rage in the death rate? It’s really bad.

One of my favorite books is a collection of aerial photos of British football fields. There was a time when chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance said that something over 20,000 dead (roughly the number that would fill Burnley FC Turf Moor) would be a failure. We surpassed that, surpassed Brighton (30,750) Chelsea (40,834) and Liverpool (53,394). Past the Olympic stadium (60,000), past Celtic Park (60,411), past the new Spurs stadium (62062). Now only Manchester United Old Trafford is big enough to accommodate the dead Covid-19 Britains.

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Behind the net, shouted The Sun, leading to the announcement that all is well, Premier League football will return to England several weeks after the Germans’ first match. France, Germany, serious countries with serious leaders and a serious press.

So when football comes back and no one wants it more than I do, I just remember what that death toll means on the scale and the sorrow that comes with it, every time you see the vast banks of seats empty. And never forget the role that Boris Johnson played in getting there.

In an interview with BBC Simon McCoy earlier this week, I was asked, even if I think they are useless and have no strategy, what should the government do instead? In this case, I was working on a speech on crisis management for a military organization with which I work, and I was able to dissect 10 points: design, execute but also tell a clear strategy; demonstrate strong, clear and consistent leadership; ensure a solid center; throw everything on it; use the experts well; deploy a strong team; making great moments count; take the audience with you; show genuine empathy for those affected by the crisis; and finally, give hope but never false hope.

Today, Boris Johnson scores zero out of 10. Macron and Philippe are close to 10 out of 10, although the notoriously difficult French electorate can put a brake on his efforts to take the public with him. Angela Merkel in Germany definitely scores 10, as does Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand, Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Greece and my friend Edi Rama in Albania. Irish taoiseach Leo Varadkar is getting closer although his picnic with friends in Pheonix Park didn’t help much, as did Denmarks Mette Frederikson and Canadas Justin Trudeau.

I could go on and on. In the end, I would have found only four names scoring badly for the world’s top leaders: Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson. I doubt it will be a coincidence that the populists who have the least respect for truth and expertise have presided over the greatest failures.

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This is the league that Johnson has reduced us to. And how proud Trump would have been of his mini-me on Thursday, when he muted questions from journalists and gagged people who really know what they’re talking about, so they wouldn’t even be allowed to nod or shake your head when asked if this is the case for good medical advice on driving when your eyesight is poor.

The world is laughing at us. It is important. It is very detrimental to our position, our strength and the economy and our power in the world.

They laugh because Johnson is such a clown. They laugh because he has presided over the last few days a scandal which is also a farce. But they do not laugh at our record. And, with the possible exception of Putin, they don’t find it funny that a country they could always take seriously and count on as allies is currently out of service, with no sign of a team maintenance coming soon.

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