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Brexit: Boris could “blink at the last minute” in negotiations with the EU to avoid a catastrophic agreement | Politics | New


The United Kingdom and the European Union began negotiations on the future relationship in March after Boris Johnson kept his promise to “make Brexit a success” on January 31. But the talks quickly collapsed, with London and Brussels exchanging brutal blows and insults during their negotiations. positions and demands of certain elements in any post-Brexit agreement. Key areas such as equal opportunities, state aid, taxation and access to the single market remain unresolved – with no solution in sight.

Pressure has intensified, with the Prime Minister and his British negotiating team continuing to insist that a post-Brexit trade agreement with the EU be signed before the end of the transitional period on December 31, 2020.

Earlier this week, EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier wrote to opposition political parties in the UK to say that Brussels is ready to extend the transition period by two years.

But that was immediately slapped by Mr. Johnson and Britain’s chief Brexit negotiator, David Frost.

A group of remaining ministers, led by Liberal Democrats interim co-leader Sir Ed Davey, are also trying to get a bill through Parliament in a desperate and last-ditch attempt to delay Brexit for up to two years.

Brexit News: Boris Johnson warned before final round of cross trade negotiations (Image: GETTY)

Brexit news: Prime Minister fought against the EU in trade negotiations (Image: GETTY)

The second reading of this bill is scheduled to take place on June 12 – less than three weeks before the deadline by which the United Kingdom can request an extension of the transitional period.

Trade talks could reach critical point on Monday when the next round of virtual negotiations begins, Frost continuing to warn that the EU must radically change its position in the negotiations and build on a number of areas if new progress must be made.

Tim Bale, UK deputy director in a changing Europe think tank and professor of politics at Queen Mary University in London, told “Talks might fail, but it it is in the interest of both parties to continue negotiations in the hope that they can find something at the eleventh hour.

“The UK could move away, but it would be unwise – both diplomatically and economically.

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Brexit news: Michel Barnier was very critical of the United Kingdom during trade negotiations (Image: GETTY)

“In the end, however, Johnson will do what he did with the withdrawal agreement – blink at the last minute but present it as a victory.

“The other alternative is that it will pull the UK out of the single market and the customs union without a deal, and hope that the dire predictions about the consequences will be overestimated.”

Kostas Maronitis, senior lecturer in politics and international relations at Leeds Trinity University, warned that there is a real risk that trade negotiations will collapse completely in the coming weeks as time is running out to get them signed a.

He said: “What has to be taken into account is not only the timetable for negotiations, but also the time available to the UK and EU member states to prepare for the new conditions and conditions. commercial.

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Brexit: UK and EU started trade talks in March (Image: GETTY)

Brexit news: David Frost has warned that the UK will not ask to extend the transition period (Image: GETTY)

“If there is no progress, the two sides will have to start preparing for the worst of the Brexit trade talks without an agreement.

“In other words, a non-agreement in reality would mean a bad agreement for both parties.”

Patrick Sullivan, CEO of the Westminster Parliament Street think tank, warned that the EU could counter the UK by engaging in talks “to the end”.

He said: “We know from the fiasco of the withdrawal bill that the EU is taking charge. The British government knows this.

“The UK’s status as a net importer of EU consumer goods has given government Brexit negotiators the confidence that the EU will not erect trade barriers in the form of tariffs when the period of transition will end in December. “

Brexit news: The transition period must end on December 31, 2020 (Image: EXPRESS)

John Macdonald, head of government affairs at the Adam Smith Institute think tank, believes that the success and future of trade negotiations could be largely determined by post-Brexit fishing rights.

He said: “As we approach the last week of talks before the June summit, the talks are likely to fail unless there is a compromise on a trade agreement and a fisheries agreement.

“David Frost has admitted that it is unlikely that a fisheries agreement will be concluded by July 1.

“Although this is a soft deadline, the EU will have to accept that the UK wants to control its own waters if negotiations are to progress.”

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