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Ian Hislop tears up Dominic Cummings, collaborator of Boris Johnson, on Have I Got News for You



POSTED: 11:36 May 30, 2020 | UPDATE: 12:42 May 30, 2020

Ian Hislop and Paul Merton tear up Dominic Cummings on Have I Got News for You. Photography: BBC.


It looks like Ian Hislop hasn’t received a note from BBC bosses about what you can and can’t say about Dominic Cummings, while panelist Have I Got News For You tore up Boris Johnson’s senior advisor.

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Almost four years after its creation, The New European is becoming increasingly stronger on paper and online, offering a pro-European perspective on Brexit and reporting on the political response to the coronavirus epidemic, climate change and to international politics. But we can only continue to grow with your support.

Calling it complete and total fraud, Hislop tore up the Cummings press conference at the Rose Garden in Downing Street.

He said: He gave an hour and a half of nothing. It is absolutely clear that he broke the regulations. He found a tiny clause that he said was an exception, but it didn’t cover the trip to Barnard Castle, it was nonsense, absolute nonsense.

He continued: People were angry because they thought he took us for idiots. The vision test is wonderful, the idea that you don’t know if you can go back to London, so to check your eyesight, you put your four year old in the back of the car and drive to see if you tip over any pedestrian or slamming into a terminal, and that way you know your eyes are not there.

His greatest irritation is, he said at the outset, that the press gives false information about my fate. It’s his job. He asked his wife to write songs for The Spectator suggesting that he was in London, which he was not.

So, very, very crossed. This man has become the center of the story. I do not understand why he did not resign.

He jokingly added: Thats Boris.

Intervener Janet Street-Porter intervened, appearing to jump to the defense of Dominic Cummings, saying to Hislop: I think the barking of blood on Dominic Cummings is getting us nowhere.

But Hislop joked: Well, he hasn’t quit yet. Do not give up, causing everyone to laugh.

A protester outside Downing Street, London, as the argument over the assistance of Dominic Cummings, Prime Minister’s main assistant Boris Johnson, continues in Durham. Photography: Yui Mok / PA Wire.

Paul Merton also joined the ribs, asking: Why did he feel the need to return to work, is it because it is very difficult to intimidate people by Zoom? Doesn’t he have to be next to them?

I think that’s true, and as he said, he kept saying it was very important to make these decisions about vaccines, replied Hislop. And I thought we don’t have medical experts in Britain? Do we have a health secretary? Why does the political assistant make a decision regarding vaccines? He is only there to make the Prime Minister beautiful, a job he has singularly failed.

MORE: Do I Have News For You Sharing The Images She Was Unable To Spread During Boris Johnson’s Misconduct Case

Comedian Fin Taylor joined us in ridiculing Cummings’ eye test trip to Barnard Castle. He joked: Seeing that they lived in a house separate from their parents, they could have asked their parents to hold something by the window and see if they could read it from a long distance in this organic farm that produces military grade bellends. .

Dominic Cummings returned home, north of London, the day after a press conference regarding allegations that he had broken coronavirus locking restrictions. Image: Jonathan Brady / PA Wire

Viewers praised the show and the rant as Hislops’ name began to appear on Twitter.

Taking advantage of Ian Hislop who totally tore Dominic Cummings on HIGNFY, tweeted Piers Morgan. There I said it.

Actress Kathy Burke agreed. She wrote: Prime Minister Dominic Cummings was brilliantly roasted on HIGNFY this evening. Ian Hislop was perfect.

Comedian Jolyon Rubenstein, highlighting the fury of Emily Maitlis’ comments on the BBCs Newsnight, wrote: Thank goodness for Ian Hislop. Thank goodness for independent production companies with balls like Hat Trick, who will not bow to government bollocks to say no, black is not white, that the top is not at the bottom and give back a little reason to our Gasslit nation.

Has the BBC ever warned Ian Hislop? asked another.

Brexiteer Darren Grimes was furious: Ian Hislop has not been funny since I was a child.

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Almost four years after its creation, The New European is becoming increasingly stronger on paper and online, offering a pro-European perspective on Brexit and reporting on the political response to the coronavirus epidemic, climate change and to international politics. But we can only rebalance the right-wing extremes of much of the British national press with your support. If you appreciate what we do, you can help us by contributing to the cost of our journalism.

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