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White House divided over Trump amid racial tensions


Several assistants from the White House and Trump’s allies objected this weekend against any type of address from the Oval Office in the coming days.

The protests are not only linked to the death of George Floyd. They are related to the general frustration caused by the economic downturn and the coronavirus, said Jason Miller, former senior communications advisor for the Trumps 2016 campaign. There are no magic unit words that can repair the check for someone’s pay or no word of magic unit on George Floyd.

White House staff were very pleased with the presidents’ speech in Florida at the launch of SpaceX, where he spent the first few minutes of his remarks talking about the death of Floyd. Aides said he had found the perfect balance between condemning death and supporting law enforcement, and was disappointed that the remarks, which began early Saturday evening, had received no more attention from Americans or national news networks.

The president’s national security adviser Robert OBrien welcomed Space X’s remarks in a television appearance on Sunday morning, but declined to say if Trump would give an official address this week.

Look, the president speaks to the country almost every day, said OBrien. It was very accessible to them. And I think he was very clear in his first responses on Twitter to the terrible murder and death of Mr. Floyd and his common sense that he is accessible to the country every day. So, whether he has an Oval address or speaks to the press, he is accessible and will continue to be accessible to the country and will give his opinion on these events, which are tragic for the country.

The White House press office did not respond to requests for comment on Sunday.

Prominent African-American supporters of the president said they had not heard from the White House about participating in upcoming events. Bruce LeVell, member of the Trumps 2020 Advisory Council and owner of a business in Atlanta, welcomed Trumps’ response, including his decision to request the FBI and the Department of Justice to expedite its investigation into the death of Floyds.

Develop news and reactions to Minnesota protests

The president condemned the behavior from the start, LeVell said. I say this respectfully, but previous jurisdictions have taken a more wait-and-see approach, like Lets see what the local DA says. Trump said: Let’s leave Barr on this, referring to Attorney General William Barr.

The only African-American Republican senator, Tim Scott of South Carolina, has taken a more nuanced approach. In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, Scott said that some of the presidents tweets containing sentences explaining how to respond to protesters with vicious police dogs, or how the looting would lead to gunfire, were not constructive.

I spoke with the president yesterday morning, and he and I had a good conversation about the next steps, said Scott. I told him what I am going to tell you, that is to say, Mr. President, that helps us when you focus on the death, the unjustified, in my opinion, the criminal death of George Floyd. These tweets are very useful. It is helpful when you say what you said yesterday, that it is important for us to recognize the benefits of nonviolent protests. It is helpful that you respond to my request that the Department of Justice, led by Attorney General Barr, have a commission and a conversation on race and justice in this country. Mr. Speaker, it is helpful when you lead with compassion. And the tweets I saw yesterday were much better.

Pressure on the White House to respond to protests will not continue until this week, as the nation turns to Washington for leadership. Friday will potentially bring more bad news when the Ministry of Labor releases the latest national unemployment statistics.

The advisers warned that the unemployment rate could drop from its current 14.7% to more than 20%. Aides also plans to closely monitor the rates of coronavirus infection and how it is evolving as each state relaxes its standards for social distancing and the reopening of local businesses.

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