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Cervical Cancer: Women Share Concerns Over Years During Increased Smear Tests

Cervical Cancer: Women Share Concerns Over Years During Increased Smear Tests


ITV Welsh correspondent Carol Green meets cervical cancer survivors at Connors Wharf

Women have shared concerns over the years during the growing cervical cancer test in Wales.

This change means women with no human papillomavirus (HPV) cells detected by screening and people with a cervix <50 years of age. You will have to wait 5 years for another test instead of 3 times..

The announcement continued Public Health Wales apologizes for “lack of clarity” about why it changed Was happening and Over 1 million people have signed a petition against this move..

Approximately 220,000 people across the UK are diagnosed with cell changes each year after the smear test, but a new study reports a quarter of those who reported feeling embarrassed after diagnosing cell changes, half of them. They previously said they knew nothing about what cell changes meant. Their diagnosis.

For Zoe Brown, the smear test led to catastrophic news that she had cancer. She says it was a confusing and stressful time because she knew nothing about HPV and various types of related cancers.

A 29-year-old mother at Connors Wharf in Flintshire said: .. But when I was told I had it, it was like I heard it for the first time. It’s like I’ve never heard of it before. “

Thanks to regular smear tests, Zoe’s cancer is treated and she can plan for the future with her family. credit: ITV Wales

Having her regular smear tests meant that the cancer could be detected and treated early.

Zoe told ITV Wales: The chances of saving my life are enormous.

“That’s why it’s so important to call and book that appointment. This gives you even more options in your life and gives you another child in the future. I’m very lucky.”

Health officials say the time between tests has been extended due to the success of more effective HPV tests.

Zoe “completely understands” the research behind it, saying “what we’ve done now with HPV and vaccines is amazing,” but enough to fully understand why it changed. I added that there is no information.

“I sat down every night looking for an answer to the question I was asking. I could only find the answer based on the experience of others.

“That’s not enough. We need a little more information and guidance on why we’re changing from 3 to 5 years.”

Facts about cervical screening (Smear test)

  • Cervical cancer screening can stop cervical cancer before it develops. This is a really important test, but it’s not always easy.

  • Helps identify people at high risk of cervical cancer, provide treatment, and monitor them more closely from the early stages.

  • Saves thousands of lives annually and saves about 7 lives in 10 cases of cervical cancer

  • Like other tests, it is not 100% effective and does not stop all cases of cervical cancer

  • In the UK as a whole, one in three people does not attend when invited, and in places such as London it is as high as one in two.

  • Attendance barriers include obtaining appointments, culture or language, previous trauma including sexual violence, postmenopausal disability, learning disabilities, embarrassment, fear, and uncertainties about the purpose of the examination.

A new study by the Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust shows that thousands of women in the UK know little or no about changes in cervical cells before being diagnosed with a large number of people who feel embarrassed. increase.

Approximately 220,000 women across the UK are diagnosed with cellular changes each year after a cervical examination, but more than a quarter (26%) of the 1,086 women surveyed felt embarrassed at the time of diagnosis. This was especially noticeable in the younger age group (40% aged 25-29: 8% aged 60-64).

Presenter and podcaster Jess Davis conducted his first smear test in 2016, returning positive for HPV and abnormal cells.

Jess Davis wants an open conversation about Smeartest to mean that people don’t feel “very lonely and very lost.” credit: ITV Wales

She states: “I didn’t know what this meant. I don’t think people are actually talking about it because it’s still completely new. I was very worried because I didn’t even know I was being tested for HPV. None of my friends around me received similar letters, so I felt like I was the only one.

“I googled it and found the worst possible answer to my question. It was just a scary time. My mother was crying thinking I had cancer. I remember. “

Fortunately, by the time Jess made an appointment for a follow-up hospital, HPV had healed naturally.

“Since then, I’ve shared why going to the smear test is so important,” she added. “But again, we have open conversations around it so people don’t get so lonely and lost.”

Facts about changes in cervical cells (abnormal cells)

  • It is said that 220,000 women and those with a cervix have changes in the cells of the cervix (abnormal cells) every year, and many are being treated.

  • This is not cancer, but it can become cancer if not treated or monitored

  • Cell changes can be high grade or low grade.This refers to the amount of changed cells

  • Some cellular changes can return to normal on their own, but there is no way to know which ones get worse or not-this usually provides treatment for people with severe cellular changes. Is the reason

  • The most common treatment is called LLETZ. This is a very effective treatment that uses an electric loop of fine wire to remove the area of ​​the cervix where there are cellular changes.

  • The most common side effects after treatment of cellular changes are pain, bleeding, and changes in vaginal secretions.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cell changes. Cervical cancer screening helps prevent cervical cancer by identifying altered (abnormal) infections and cells. The cells can be monitored or treated to stop the development of cancer.

I remembered that over 70% (786) had an HPV diagnosis. For many, this has made the experience of cellular changes much more difficult. Many have expressed concern about guilt, confusion, anger, or the resulting relationships and infidelity. One-third (34%) of these said they caused anxiety and worry, and 35% talked about shame, embarrassment, or dirty feelings.

According to the Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, this reflects what we heard through the service, with virus calls accounting for 50% of helpline calls. In that new report, charities are calling for much greater education and conversation about HPV to reduce the potential impact of diagnosis.

Samantha Dixon, Chief Executive Officer of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, said:

“HPV stigma is something that needs to be addressed and it is our responsibility to remove the stigma that accompanies the diagnosis. Everyone who participates in the screening is fully prepared for different outcomes and the information they need. We need to do more to ensure that we have access to cervical cancer, because prevention of cervical cancer goes beyond screening for cervical cancer. ”

One-fifth (21%) said they felt isolated after diagnosis and many did not want to tell others. Charities have warned that a pandemic is exacerbating this, and many are attending their appointments on their own. During the pandemic, the feeling of isolation doubled (29% diagnosed with the pandemic reported feelings of isolation compared to the previous 15%).

Charities are encouraging women and people with cervix to make appointments if they are overdue, to better understand them, and to take greater action to reduce anxiety about potential consequences.

Samantha continues. “We can’t afford to continue attending such anxious numbers because cervical cancer screening helps stop cervical cancer before it begins. NHS is open enough and screening is delayed. If you have a colposcopy reservation or have a colposcopy reservation, we recommend that you do not postpone it. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the 0808 8028000 help line. ”

The Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust will use the Campaign Week, Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (January 17-23, 2022) to raise awareness, encourage participation and potential outcomes for cervical cancer screening. I am deepening my understanding.




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