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News Analysis: Variants force the CDC to make decisions with little data.

News Analysis: Variants force the CDC to make decisions with little data.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has long been respected for its systematic and in-depth scientific approach. Institutions in other countries, even adopting the name, are modeled on the world’s most acclaimed public health authorities.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the CDC moved at a familiar pace. But this time, the new virus is moving so fast that the country has paid a price for a cautious approach. Testing and monitoring was delayed as government agencies tried to implement an outdated approach using eerie infrastructure. It was even slower to recommend masking because federal scientists took too long to recognize that the virus was levitating.

Currently, coronaviruses, especially variants of Omicron, are pushing CDC into unknown territory. Because decisions must be made at a tremendous pace, the CDC has issued a set of recommendations based on what was once considered inadequate evidence.

Agency director Dr. Rochelle P. Warrensky has sometimes skipped many of the traditional scientific review processes to reduce the quarantine period for infected Americans.

After the Trump administration’s pattern of interference, President Biden took office with a promise to restore the CDC’s reputation for independence and rigorous science. The current challenge for Dr. Valensky is to find a way to convey this message to the public. Science is imperfect and this is our best advice so far.

Changing the pace has never been easier for bureaucrats, primarily with medical professionals.

In a recent interview, some CDC officials personally described the decision as depressed, Dr. Wallensky becoming more and more dependent on a small group of advisors, and the White House acted on her. I was worried about what they saw as having a great political impact on the.

In addition, others outside the agency said she was right to move forward, even if the data was unclear and the agency’s researchers remained uncertain, shorting the painstaking process and national emergency. He praised Dr. Warensky for taking a practical approach to managing the situation.




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