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The brain pays attention to unfamiliar voices

The brain pays attention to unfamiliar voices


The brain pays attention to unfamiliar voices during sleep

Image: Temporal aspect of the difference between the triggered K complex and micro-awakening. Left: The difference between UFV and FV in the number of triggered K complexes was significant from 100ms to 800ms. Right: Differences in the number of microawakens between FV and UFV were significant over the 200-400 ms and 500-700 ms periods.
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Credit: Ameen et al. , JNeurosci 2022

Getting a good night’s sleep is not as easy as it looks. While snoozing, the brain keeps an eye on the environment, balancing the need to protect sleep with the need to wake up. An example of how the brain achieves this is to selectively respond to unfamiliar voices rather than familiar ones, according to a new study published in. JNeurosci..

Researchers at the University of Salzburg have measured brain activity in sleeping adults in response to familiar or unfamiliar voices. Unfamiliar voices induced more K-complexes, a type of brain wave associated with sensory impairment during sleep, compared to familiar voices. Familiar voices can also induce K-complexes, but only those caused by unfamiliar voices are associated with large-scale changes in brain activity associated with sensory processing.

As the night goes on, the brain responds less to unfamiliar voices, making them more familiar, indicating that the brain may still be able to learn during sleep. These results suggest that the K complex allows the brain to enter a “sentinel processing mode”. In this mode, the brain stays asleep, but retains its ability to respond to associated stimuli.


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