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12 years after the earthquake in Haiti: Remember that Haitian lives have value

12 years after the earthquake in Haiti: Remember that Haitian lives have value
12 years after the earthquake in Haiti: Remember that Haitian lives have value


Written by David Vanderbull, CP Op-Ed Contributor | Sunday, January 23, 2022 A man films himself in front of burning tires during a general strike launched by several professional associations and companies to denounce the insecurity in Port-au-Prince on October 18, 2021. A nationwide general strike emptied the streets of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, on Monday as organizers denounced the security situation. ​​​​​​​The rapidly deteriorating phenomenon highlighted by the weekend kidnapping of American and Canadian missionaries. The kidnapping of 17 adults and children by a brazen criminal gang in Haiti highlighted the country’s problems in the wake of President Jovenel Moss’ assassination in July amid mounting anarchy in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. | Richard Perrin/AFP via Getty Images

I don’t think it is a coincidence that we celebrate Sanctity of Life Month in January – the same month we celebrate the anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti that killed more than 250,000 people and injured an additional 300,000 victims. The continuing impact continues to disrupt many lives, with people dying of starvation every day in this island nation just a few hundred miles from the southern tip of Florida.

However, unless Haiti releases the news about something like an earthquake, a missionary kidnapping, or the assassination of its president, the constant loss of life does not seem to capture the attention of the global community in the same way as the value of another life. do issues.

For those who care for children in the womb, individuals who are trafficked or elderly people living in fear of euthanasia, we tend to see much higher mortality rates in nearly all of the above groups in Haiti right now than we have ever seen in the United States of America.

My family has been working in Haiti for over a decade now to combat these issues for the benefit of suffering Haitians. Other mission groups operate with similar capabilities – we’re all desperately trying to save orphans, feed starving babies, and prevent mothers and babies from dying in childbirth. We are seeing some success, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

The earthquake shattered the already shaky infrastructure. The political instability that has persisted since then indicates that few reforms have been made. Roads still have potholes, buildings are still in ruins, there is little or no electricity or clean water, and little food available that the average Haitian cannot afford. Gangs control the streets so much that people would rather starve and die at home than risk kidnapping and torture in an effort to find work or food.

Without international intervention, we will lose more and more of these precious lives every day. We’ve shown that a simple investment of time and resources can make a big difference. We set up our LiveBeyond complex in a rural area of ​​Haiti, two hours outside of Port-au-Prince, and by training and equipping locals – with more than a hand in hand – we’ve seen that Haiti is becoming more self-sufficient and mortality rates in this area have decreased.

Since we came to Haiti 11 years ago, we have been making progress in our goal of providing healthcare, clean water and nutritional support to all people in need in our region. Most importantly, we have established hope that these resources can be accessed in a sustainable manner, led by Haiti in the future. In addition, we provide American-quality education and jobs to the people who need them most. It has been amazing to witness the growth and blessings that have occurred in just one part of Haiti, and we believe this can be replicated across the country.

As we realize the sanctity of life this month, will you join me in praying and calling for international intervention in Haiti so that hundreds of thousands of lives may be spared there? Connect with elected representatives and the United Nations and show your support for bringing peacekeepers back to Haiti.

And if you’re in a position to donate, research mission groups like ours that work in Haiti to consistently provide sustainable solutions – not just a flyer often stolen straight from mouths meant to feed. In addition to LiveBeyond, I can recommend organizations we work with such as Food for the Poor and Convoy of Hope.

Together, we help ordinary Haitians learn agricultural skills so they can feed their communities and employ their neighbours.

We educate and equip small business owners so they can contribute to the economy. We are keeping workers healthy so they can continue to bring food to their families. Most importantly, we share the love of Jesus Christ so that God’s precious and vulnerable children can look forward to spending eternity in heaven, which is much closer for them than it is for most of us.

David Vanderbull is a surgeon and CEO of LiveBeyond, a Christian humanitarian aid organization based in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Vanderpool and his wife Laurie have lived in Thomazeau, Haiti full time for 7 years.




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