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Pompeo presses Korea into the Chinese wars – Le Chosun Ilbo (English edition): Daily News from Korea


Last Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took the plunge by mentioning Korea as one of the United States. “good partners” in addition to India, Australia and Japan in its cold war against China.

The claim came a day after President Donald Trump invited Korea, Australia and India to the normally exclusive G7 summit to discuss how to deal with future challenges posed by China.

Washington is stacking the summit with what it sees as flexible allies as it fights China on several fronts.

Pompeo told Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures” that Chinese President Xi Jinping “intends to develop his military capabilities”. But the American government “will keep us in a position where we can protect the American people, and indeed we can be good partners with our allies from India, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, d , All around “the world.”

“We can be good partners by their side and ensure that the next century remains western on the model of the freedoms we have here in the United States,” he said.

Pompeo proved to be a staunch ally in Trump’s re-election campaign and fully embraced the president’s offensive against Beijing. “It is a Chinese Communist Party which considers itself determined to destroy Western ideas, Western democracies and Western values,” said Pompeo. “It puts the Americans at risk.”

“The threat from the Chinese Communist Party comes from the nature of the Chinese Communist Party’s doctrine and ideology,” he added. “And so I think it’s something that America is going to have to do with its western partners … democracy-loving all over the world.”

Washington has already relied on Korea to participate in its operations in the South China Sea to curb China, placing the country in a difficult situation between its two main trading partners.

Military vehicles carry equipment to the terminal’s high-altitude defense battery site in Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province, May 29. / Yonhap

The government here has tried to stay on the fence and suspend Trump’s term, but Washington’s pressure is getting more and more aggressive day by day.

The United States has also discussed the deployment of new medium-range missiles with its Asian and European allies since its withdrawal from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia last August.

Despite the denial of the Korean army, there is a rumor that materials have been brought into the defense battery base of the high altitude area of ​​the terminal at Seongju, in North Gyeongsang province, the Last night were either a batch of upgraded THAAD missiles or equipment for additional missile launch pads. .

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