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Type 2 Diabetes Treatment: Lifestyle, Dosing, Insulin

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment: Lifestyle, Dosing, Insulin


Proper treatment of type 2 diabetes is very important. If left uncontrolled, type 2 diabetes can cause chronic hyperglycemia and damage organs and blood vessels.

Three types of treatment are used.

Lifestyle changes are sufficient to manage diabetes in some people. As the disease progresses, you should take medications that help keep your blood sugar in a safe range. If you cannot produce enough insulin after taking the drug, you should take insulin.

Continue reading as we will take a deeper look at each of these three diabetes treatments.

Lifestyle changes to treat type 2 diabetes consist primarily of eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding stress and smoking.

The following lifestyle changes are recommended to help treat type 2 diabetes:

  • Reduce refined carbohydrates. Replacing refined carbs with whole-grain carbs can help prevent blood sugar spikes. For example, you can replace white bread with whole wheat bread and white rice with brown rice.
  • Stress management. stress also anxiety It can raise blood sugar levels and make diabetes more difficult to manage.
  • Please avoid smoking. smoking It can accelerate vascular damage in diabetics. Evidence of growth It also suggests that smokers are at higher risk of developing diabetes than nonsmokers.
  • Try to maintain a reasonable weight. and 2018 studyResearchers found it 86 percent The proportion of people with type 2 diabetes who lost more than £ 33 achieved diabetic remission.
  • Regular exercise. The American Diabetes Association Physical activity is recommended for diabetics to reduce cardiovascular risk factors and maintain a moderate weight.

The Main goal One of the treatments for type 2 diabetes is to prevent side effects such as eye, nerve and cardiovascular damage. If your blood sugar level cannot be controlled by lifestyle alone, you need medicine.

Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly used medicine:

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease. In the early stages, the pancreas increases insulin production to explain the decline in insulin sensitivity.As the disease progresses, your body stops producing enough insulin and you may need to take it Insulin dosage.

This is Insulin type It is used to treat type 2 diabetes.

Monitoring your blood sugar helps you understand the effects of certain exercises and diets on your blood sugar. This will help you plan your diabetes with your doctor.Your doctor can advise you how often Check your blood sugar, but usually at least once a day.

You can check your sugar at Glucose meter, This is a classic finger stab test.Another option is Continuous blood glucose monitor It will be inserted into your arm or abdomen. Monitors approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) include:

Type 2 diabetes is treated with lifestyle changes, medications, and insulin.

Some people can control their blood sugar levels simply by changing their lifestyle. As the disease progresses, you are more likely to need medication or insulin to keep your blood sugar at a safe level.

Your doctor can advise which treatment strategy is best for you.




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