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USC Seeks To Establish New Defensive Identity In Spring Football – Orange County Register


Delayed by one day due to concerns over thunderstorms, USC opens spring football on Wednesday.

In some ways, a lot will be the same since the USC returned so many players from last season's 8-5 campaign. In other ways, it will be completely different from last year after a staff reshuffle.

Here's a look at what to expect over the next six weeks.

What's up:Trojans will establish a new defense this spring. Just like last year, when the main scenario was offensive coordinator Graham Harrell and the air raid, this year will involve Todd Orlando, the new USC defensive coordinator via Texas, Houston and Etah.

Orlando, who replaces Clancy Pendergast, will establish a three-man base front. But he wants to have a multifaceted defense, so the team will work with multiple formations, including four-sided fronts like under Pendergast.

Perhaps the biggest difference to defense will be the new training style established by Orlando and his assistants – safety coach Craig Naivar, corner coach Donte Williams and defensive line coach Vic So & # 39; oto. The group wants the USC to train physically, at top speed. So we won't know much about defense, says Orlando, until the first training session on Saturday.

USC will also have a new special teams coach, Sean Snyder replacing John Baxter. Snyder promises to simplify things for his unit, as players will also need to balance their position group responsibilities in addition to special teams.

Who is new:The advantage of dismissing 17 of the 22 starters and having only four senior graduates from the 2019 list is that there are not many new players to integrate into the team. Among early-entry freshmen, only former Corona Centennial WR Gary Bryant Jr. is expected to make an impact in 2020 with its game-changing speed.

Otherwise, the USC will return a few players who missed all of 2019 due to an injury.

The most intriguing of these players is the great receiver Bru McCoy. Former Mater Dei standout player was absent last season while battling a virus after being transferred to USC from Texas. A five-star rookie coming out of high school, McCoy has the potential to break through a wide field of crowded receivers at the USC and have an impact on the 2020 season.

Another returning player is linebacker Jordan Iosefa. Appointed captain before a knee injury prematurely ends his 2019 campaign, Iosefa offers experience to a young linebacker.

Who has left:Not a lot of Trojans, really. Michael Pittman Jr., Christian Rector, John Houston and Drew Richmond are graduates. Austin Jackson declared himself early for the project. It’s all down to beginners, while receiver and kicker Velus Jones Jr. is transferred to Tennessee.

What to expect:Aside from setting up the new defense, there will be a few competitions to watch out for.

First, the quarterback. USC will keep the competition open even after Kedon Slovis' first year record season. He and Matt Fink are the only healthy scholarship QBs to start in the spring, but USC hopes newbie 2018 JT Daniels will be able to do some fieldwork later in the six weeks while He is recovering from a torn ACL.

Then there is a tackle, left vacant by Jackson's early departure for the draft. USC will keep all options open, even the ability to move Alijah Vera-Tucker outside of the left guard, where he has had as much success as a second year.

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