How to regain the taste of odor after COVID-19: Essential oils may help
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There are millions of people around the world Contract and recovery from COVID-19One of the most common concomitant symptoms is loss of taste and smell, which can last from days to long periods of time.
Not only can you not enjoy your favorite foods and aromas because of the lack of smell and taste. Experience of losing direction It can change some aspects of your daily life.Moreover, in a world that relies on our senses, there may be a lack of odors and tastes. Dangerous consequencesUnable to smell fire and toxic chemicals, etc.
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There is still much to learn about COVID-19 and loss of odor and taste, but there is no complete cure for this condition, but some experts say there is an easy and safe way. Helps to “retrain” the senses As you recover. Here’s what you need to know about body training and when to visit an expert on taste and smell loss:
Why do some people lose their taste and smell from COVID-19?
There is a lot of information that is not yet known or understood about this link. What we know is that these loss of sensation can occur as a result of not only the symptoms of COVID-19, but also other infections, smoking, or injuries such as head injuries. ..
For COVID-19, 70% to 80% of infected people Experience loss of taste and smell, Especially in milder cases. For the vast majority of people, this loss can last from days to weeks. “There are a lot of recovery,” says Dr. Eric Holbrook, a doctor, surgeon, and director of eye and ear nose in Massachusetts.
However, 40% to 45% of people who lose their sense of smell have strange or even experiences. “Unpleasant” smell and taste When I come back — this refers to a phenomenon called Parosmia.. “The whole map gets confused,” says Holbrook. “You are smelling something and it is stimulating something else, so the smell you feel is quite different from what it was before the injury.”
How to get Smell and taste after COVID-19 infection
Regaining the sense of smell and taste is not an immediate or quick solution. There is no proven cure to restore the sense of smell or taste, “Smell training” Is a simple and safe exercise that can be useful.
Smell training, or odor training, is simply to retrain and restore the sense of smell by smelling different scents. According to Dr. David Valencia, an otolaryngologist at the Mayo Clinic Health System in Lacrosse, Wisconsin, one specific method of sensory training is to smell four different scents 2-4 times a day for at least 24 weeks. Is to do so. ..Focus on what scent should do it It smells like. “There is no proven cure, but we recommend it because it is generally safe and it is very unlikely that it will cause serious side effects,” says Valencia.
Although scents can be used around the house like food and candles, both Valencia and Holbrook propose essential oils as a scent training tool. These strong and concentrated scents can help accelerate recovery.One study cited by Holbrook is 4 different scents to promote recovery: Lemon, eucalyptus, rose, cloves. These or others can be used because the goal is to frequently smell many different scents over a long period of time.You don’t need it because you have a quick whim of each scent Essential oil diffuser For this particular exercise.
When using essential oils, do not use, spread or ingest the oil on your nose.Use only for the sense of smell.. Concentrated essential oils are irritating to the skin and can be harmful when ingested.In addition, be careful if you live together Children also Pets.. Certain essential oils can be particularly irritating or dangerous.
Besides essential oils, Holbrook says that you should keep your nose “active” and, if possible, keep your nerves exposed to all kinds of odors. This can mean trying out recipes with new and unique flavors and spices, or burning new candles with specific notes.
When to see a doctor
If you have long-term problems with your senses of smell or taste, you should consult your doctor or specialist, Holbrook says. “If you have a prolonged loss of smell to make sure there is nothing else, you should consult a specialist such as an otolaryngologist or otolaryngologist. [injured] There, “says Holbrook. “There are other reasons to lose your sense of smell.”
Holbrook also recommends staying away from all kinds of home remedies from the internet that claim to restore your sense of smell and taste. “Avoid social media as the primary source of information and treatment. There are many false treatments that can be dangerous,” says Holbrook.
Where to buy essential oils
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