Pediatricians say children need to be in school
- Pediatricians say the time children spent away from the classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic caused learning gaps and mental health problems.
- Therefore, we reaffirm our position that children should return to school as long as proper safety protocols are in place.
- They state that compliance with safety practices varies widely across school sections across the country.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Reaffirmed that stance Prioritizing face-to-face learning during a pandemic of COVID-19 and “thorough compliance with safety measures such as vaccination, universal masking, and physical distance”.
The guidance has many parents, many of whom Demand for virtual education With the lack of other social support, we are sighing a little relief, despite concerns about what the COVID-19 case means for our children.
“My kids have all the support they have around the world, but it’s still hard for them,” he said. Brian Castorucci, DrPH, President and Chief Executive Officer of the de Beaumont Foundation, father of 5th and 6th grades. “I thought I handled my family and virtual school education well. But when my kids returned to face-to-face learning, the challenges of virtual school education for my family were more obvious. It’s no longer a chore and it’s starting to be something they enjoyed again. “
The pediatrician expressed similar feelings from a clinical point of view.
“Schools are essential to children’s well-being and support their services, nutrition, physical activity, medical care, emotional and social development, in addition to academic instruction, as well as other services.” Said. Dr. Jennifer E. Schster, Children’s Mercy Kansas City, a pediatrician treating infectious diseases and an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City Medical College. “As a community, we need to prioritize the ability of children to safely attend face-to-face schools during a pandemic.”
Dr. Lisa DogetMPH, Senior Medical Director of HGS AxisPoint Health, Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physiology’s Vaccine Science Fellowship, and the mother of two daughters in middle school and high school agree.
“Over a year or more, many schools have switched to online learning with catastrophic consequences such as poor mental health, significant learning gaps, and learning inequality,” Doggett told Healthline. ..
She said she needed to switch, but I know more.
“Fortunately, in most cases, we know that schools can stay safe and open with minimal risk to students and staff,” says Doggett. “As [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] And AAP, proper masking, improved ventilation, social distance, and most importantly, COVID-19 vaccination for all people over the age of 5 reduces the spread of the virus in schools and ultimately Points out that it is important to end the pandemic.
However, these AAP recommendations are valid only if the individual school adheres to what constitutes a safe resumption.
And that is far from unifying school districts across the country.
For example, as of September 2021, of the 74 largest school districts in the country, 96% were obliged to mask and 84% offered distance learning options. However, only 69% had staff and student testing requirements, and a minority (36%) imposed staff vaccination obligations. Data collected by Ed Week..
These large districts cover more than 8 million students, which is about 15 percent of the enrollment in public schools in the United States.
Lack of comprehensive testing remains a challenge, as the federal government has. Enhanced efforts Expand the test at school.
“Schools need resources for staff to implement the COVID-19 testing program, not just the actual COVID-19 testing,” Schuster told Healthline. “In screening tests (ie, asymptomatic student / staff tests), staff regularly inspect people, perform tests, provide results, and conduct contact studies if there are positive cases. These programs are very effective, but they require a lot of people.
“Not all schools have nurses, and school nurses are responsible for many COVID-19s,” she added.
There is also the problem that learning at school exists Treated as a political football tool Not a community public health priority.
“Sending children to school is a debate, not a collective effort or appropriate strategy to achieve the common goal of safe face-to-face learning,” Castrucci told Healthline.
“We’re screaming about wearing masks rather than discussing test strategies. But this isn’t binary. It’s not a virtual or face-to-face school without mitigation strategies. It hurt our children, There are many shades of gray sacrificed in the altar of political polarization that keeps us away from our goals. “
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