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Women from around the world invited to rally in solidarity with Figen Yuksekdag


WOMEN from around the world have been invited to rally in support of the imprisoned former People's Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair, Figen Yuksekdag, who remained behind bars after today's hearing 39; now in Ankara in what the party called a political decision.

HDP Ankara co-chair Pazike Sinemillioglu told the Star that Ms. Yuksekdag was targeted mainly because she was a politician and said it was the duty of women politicians and others to fight at shoulder to shoulder with her.

Ms. Sinemillioglu stressed the importance of the trial of Ms. Yuksekdags. She said it was symbolic of the attacks on women by the male, sexist and militarist regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

This includes his attack on the party co-chair system, which guarantees gender equality at all levels. It was qualified as an act of terrorism by Mr. Erdogan.

Our party is building its policy on gender equality and the freedom of women, she said. Therefore, the removal of HDP and women engaged in politics is in fact an attempt to intimidate all women.

Ms. Yuksekdag has been behind bars since she was detained in a series of raids against HDP politicians in November 2016 after the Turkish parliament voted to deprive MPs of their immunity from prosecution.

She was subjected to harsh treatment, the state first withdrawing her parliamentary status, and then was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment on false charges of terrorism.

Former editor-in-chief of the leftist newspaper Atilim and founder of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed, Ms. Yuksekdag is considered a threat because she is a woman and a Turkish ethnic group as well as a Marxist.

Mr Erdogan fears unity between Turks, Kurds and other minority groups, making great efforts to sabotage solidarity efforts.

His defense speeches were very political. Ms Sinemilloglu said that she had made history with her position.

Ms. Yuksekdag did not attend the hearing today due to health reasons. His lawyer, Hatice Ezgi Gungordu, complained of a 92-page file which had not been brought to court due to the charges from the prosecution.

But it does contain details on some of the main charges against Ms. Yuksekdag, including activities related to the Congress of Democratic Society (DTK) and speeches she had given in defense of the Syrian-Kurdish city of Kobane, which has been subject to a six month siege by Isis from September 2014.

Ms. Gungordu charged the charge of committing a crime by omitting the record, which she said was unacceptable.

The court denied her request to release Ms. Yuksekdag. The hearing was postponed to May 21, the date on which the former HDP co-chair is expected to present his defense.

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