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Richard Hadlee on bowling without deadly partners


Richard Hadlee from New Zealand with the Alfa Romeo Sedan car awarded him the 1986 Benson and Hedges International Cricket Prize of the Year in Australia.

Imran Khan’s view that Wasim Akram was the best of the club’s more than 400 club membership when the grand couturier of the left arm joined the elite group some time ago has provided a subject for discussion. interesting debate. Akram will certainly rank among the best, if not the best, left arm designer of all time, and the most complete melon player in contemporary cricket, but is he the greatest of all?

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Sir Richard Hadlee was recently in India with the New Zealand Cricket Academy and the mere sight of the Sultan of Swing brought up the subject. Because we had in our midst the first man to cross the 400 mark, Edmund Hillary of bowling so to speak.

Hadlee is third in the list of top wicket holders after Courtney Walsh, who is nearing the 500 mark, and Kapil Dev. However, he still has two global brands: nine 10-wicket lines (Dennis Lillee is the second best with seven) and 36 five-wicket lines (lan Botham is the next best with 27).

Statistics show that unlike the others (those in the 350 range for comparison), Hadlee had virtually no support, rhythm or rotation, on the other side.

Walsh has taken almost all of its wickets with Malcolm Marshall and Curtly Ambrose as partners; Ambrose had Walsh from start to finish. Akram and Younis are among the best pairs of speed skittles of all time; Kapil Dev took 137 of its wickets with the left arm spinner Dillp Doshi and 107 in partnership with the non-spinner Shivlal Yadav.

Botham took 254 of his wickets with Willis operating on the other side while Marshall took 170 of his scalps in tandem with Joel Garner and 162 others along with Michael Holding.

Richard Hadlee uses a lbw during his playing days.
| Photo credit: THE HINDU ARCHIVES

Imran Khan and leg spinner Abdul Qadir took 332 wickets together in 44 tests, the former scalping 197 of them, while Lillee and Thomson wreaked havoc in the 26 tests they joined, the first having taken 119 of the 217 counters they counted together.

Hadlee had to endure much greater mental and physical fatigue during all these years; only technically strong drummers have played against Hadlee for centuries, which cannot be said of the others. He also played in all kinds of conditions.

Hadlee. who was knighted in 1990, had a strike rate of 50.8 and only Marshall (46.7), Younis (42.0) and Fred Trueman (49.4) in the club of more than 300 have best figures.

Excerpts from an interview:

The Sultan of Swing and Seam that you were, can you explain the physics?

You can’t explain like that, I mean it’s a skill that you develop. It is the technique, it is the action of the body, it is the movement of the wrist. It is far too complex to try to describe. Wrist movement is crucial, absolutely. Whether you try to swing it or sew it. It’s in different positions: the wrist and fingers do different things.

Bowlers are thought to like to hunt in pairs. You have never had a partner in the strict sense of the term. There must have been a lot more physical and mental fatigue in having taken responsibility for all these years?

It’s true, but at the same time I had more opportunities. I could choose the melon I wanted to play with, I could choose the ending I wanted to play with. You will always start, you take a bowl just before lunch and a bowl just after lunch. You can play in line, you come back with the second new ball. So all of these things are advantages in getting ATMs. So if you have a good partner at the other end, you share the wickets, right? I have had the opportunity to play more than most and have been used as an attack weapon. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Evan Chatfleld and Lance Cairns and others. They still picked up wickets, but they kept it tight while I was attacking. So we had a partnership, sure, but not to the extent that there were hostile things coming from both sides. We did it differently, but effectively.

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Who was the toughest drummer you played and why?

Geoff Boycott was the hardest to fire. He had good technique, his level of concentration was very high. He only played the deliveries that had to be addressed and let the others pass. He knew where his stump was, so he basically would. Gavaskar was a similar player in some ways. There were others who were more destructive and more cavalier like Viv Richards. Greg Chappell was a fine technician and a wonderful stroke maker. But the boycott was the hardest to come out of and Miandad.

Miandad was a problem. He was a very good observer of the ball and a good cutter. He also used you, and in fact, it was very frustrating to play bowl because he was the cheeky kind. Cheeky in the sense that it annoyed you with the way it upset you a bit, that it used wisely and obviously scored a lot through it. It was a frustrating experience.

What was the value of professional English cricket for you in terms of skill development? How did it help you?

The competition between 1978 and 1987 was very good. Most counties in the early years had two foreign players and the level was actually very high. When you do something six days a week, like we did with cricket, you adopt good habits, discipline and routine. The more you play, the more you want. You are hungry, you want to do well, you are proud of the performance and it was perhaps the greatest cricket experience I have ever had. It was a great feeling that you were playing in a total cricket environment, wonderful playing conditions, superb grounds, good support from the club, where everything is professionally managed. The New Zealand players who acquired this experience brought it home and it helped their game.

What do you think is your greatest moment on the cricket pitch?

The greatest moment was to beat England for the first time. It was in 1978. We had played something like 50 tests against them before that without a win. My father was deeply involved in New Zealand cricket, as a player, captain, administrator, selector, president and president. He had never seen or participated in a New Zealand victory over England. And when we were able to do it, with me in it, it was a dream, an ambition, of its accomplishment. It was a very special moment for New Zealand cricket as a whole and an important achievement for the team.

Personally, winning 1986 with 15 wickets in the game and nine in a heat in 1986 was a moment that I will cherish. (Hadlee had a hand in the 10 wickets). Well, I was eight, grabbed the ninth, then got the 10th.

Do you remember the two tours in India?

In 1976, we played six tests – three in Pakistan and three in India. I think I got about 25 wickets during these tests. When I arrived here in 1988, I got fifteen and got twenty or so ATMs in Sri Lanka, all kinds of similar conditions. The ball swayed, especially in Sri Lanka. It has fluctuated a bit here in Chennai and Mumbai.

It was harder and drier in Pakistan, much more different. The locations there had a little more bounce. I continued.

What is the concept of reverse swing?

It’s a good old fashioned swinger. Few people cancel it, but tend to reverse it. He’s a swinger.

Please rate the pacemen in the 350 and over bracket, your point of view on them: strengths and weaknesses?

Courtney Walsh: Well, he has the height, he has the durability and longevity in the game. He has always had good support on the other end, but he has developed skills, which go through years of cricket in the count. Through the games he played, he had the opportunity to get more wickets than anyone else in the cricket test.

I think he will be the first to reach 500. He has been a wonderful champion for the West Indies. The durability, well he just continued, rocked the ball. He had good skills. At the end of the day, you should always have good people to catch. He had a good catch-up team: “goalkeeper or cord leaves. For me, it’s support. Kapil has performed under conditions all over the world. If any player can do it, like a few others have done, it means you are a quality player. If you are going to play under your own conditions, it means that you could not be good enough to adapt and leave a weak link in your arsenal.

Do you have any regrets in your career, especially regarding life as a versatile?

I should have scored more points, I should have had more than hundreds. No regrets, this is something I should have done. But no regrets. In fact, I have no regrets. I think back to my career and say that I appreciated my time, that I succeeded and that I did my best.

This interview was published for the first time in Sportstar magazine on October 14, 2000.

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