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Ancient Australian geology controls the paths of modern earthquakes


Bird’s eye view of the impact of surface rupture and rock protrusions near the earthquake. Photo: Dr. Dan Clark, Geoscience Australia

New research near Uluru in arid central Australia has shown that rock structures that were deeply formed within the ancient Great Gondwana continent were controlling the rupture paths of one of Australia’s largest modern earthquakes.

Seismic and geological studies led by researchers from the University of Melbourne showed that the 2016 earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 in the city of Peterman produced a rupture of the landscape over a distance of 21 kilometers. The dimensions and slippage of the rift plane were guided by the vulnerable rock regions that formed more than 500 million years ago.

The perplexity of the prolonged rupture and the unusual smoothness caused by this earthquake initially baffled scientists as old, usually strong batons in Australia tended to host shorter, rougher earthquakes with a larger displacement of this magnitude.

“We have found that in areas where weaker rocks are present, earthquakes may rupture errors under low friction,” said Dr. Januka Atanayake, a research fellow at the University of Melbourne.

“This means that the structural properties of the rocks obtained from geological mapping can help us predict the potential engineering and distribution distributions of future earthquakes, which ultimately allow us to better understand the seismic hazards posed by our many potential potential errors.

“Australia is regularly exposed to earthquakes of this magnitude that, if located near our urban centers, could cause catastrophic damage similar to that of the Christchurch Deadly Earthquake of 6.2 in 2011 in New Zealand. Fortunately, most of these earthquakes occurred in Australia in Remote areas. “

The Peterman mountain range, which stretches 320 kilometers from east-west Australia to the southwest corner of the Northern Territory, began to form about 600 million years ago when a mountain building event occurred within the Australian continent called Petermann Orogeny.

Dr. Attanayake said that seismic and geological data gathered from a near field investigation of the Peterman earthquake four years ago by a research team comprising Dr. Tamara King, associate professor Mark Quigley, Gary Gibson, and Abi Jones at the College of Earth Sciences helped determine the following: Perhaps the weak rock layers were played Included in the strong crust play a role in the rare earthquake detonation.

Despite a major desert storm severely impeding fieldwork, geologists toured the Earth in search of evidence of surface rupture, either on foot or using a drone, which they eventually identified after two weeks of fieldwork. As a result, the researchers were able to draw a detailed map of the deformation associated with a 21-km-long trace of surface rupture, over which the length of the Earth had a maximum vertical displacement of one meter.

Seismologists have rapidly published wide-scale seismographs to discover and locate the aftershocks that provide independent information to estimate the geometry of the rupture error level.

Dr. Atanayak said: “The Peterman earthquake is a rare example where we have been able to link earthquakes to the existing geological structure by combining seismic modeling with field geological mapping.

“With this insight into why the ancient, strong, and cold crust of the central Australian crust has caused the breakdown and production of this major earthquake, seismic and geological data may help us infering the potential geometrical forms of crashes under our urban centers and predict the risks of earthquakes.”

Public release. Full show here. .

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