Puerto Rico: 24 swarms of earthquakes recorded within a day and 447 swarms since January
Swarms of earthquakes have continued in Puerto Rico recently.
In just one day, twenty earthquakes have been detected in Puerto Rico, while hundreds have been recorded since January.
There were no immediate reports of any major impacts of these earthquakes.
Swarms of earthquakes continue in Puerto Rico
(Photo: Thomas Coex via Getty Images)
The US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded 24 earthquakes in Puerto Rico in just one day from February 10 to February 11, and 447 earthquakes since January.
The latest USGS data shows that Puerto Rico is still seismically active.
The intensity of recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico ranges between 3.1 and 4.3 degrees.
There were no immediate reports of injuries, damage to infrastructure, or a tsunami warning. These indicate that despite frequent earthquakes, their intensity is not strong enough to make a significant impact.
However, there are reports of accounts of people who said they felt the shaking from these earthquakes.
Among the most powerful earthquakes to date, the 4.3-magnitude quake prompted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – the US Tsunami Warning System based in Honolulu, Hawaii, to issue a bulletin.
The bulletin from NOAA – The US Tsunami Warning System stated that there was no tsunami risk and that confirmed people may have experienced a shaking effect from the earthquake.
Read also: USGS records more than 180 swarms of earthquakes in Puerto Rico in the past seven days
The struggle between aftershocks and earthquake swarms
The frequent earthquakes in Puerto Rico have been widely disputed over whether earthquake swarms or aftershocks were the January 2020 earthquake in Puerto Rico.
In December 2019, Puerto experienced frequent seismic swarms, 123 of these earthquakes were of magnitude 3 or higher until a major earthquake the following year.
In January 2020, the island was hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake, which resulted in numerous injuries and disruption.
Following the Great Earthquake of 2020, low-intensity earthquakes continued in Puerto Rico until February 2022.
Amid controversy over their ratings, these earthquakes in Puerto Rico reportedly fall under the definition of an earthquake swarm.
In Understanding Faults: Detection, Dating, and Modeling published in 2020, an earthquake swarm is defined as a short-lived, series of multiple earthquakes that continues within a short period of time.
Earthquake swarms have no major shock or tremor from the first identifiable earthquake.
Even short-lived earthquake swarms can last for hours, days, and even months, while aftershocks usually occur immediately after the main identifiable earthquake.
Furthermore, aftershocks can come in a series of many earthquakes.
Tectonic plates in the Caribbean and North America
There have been several explanations regarding the persistence of low-intensity and frequent earthquakes in Puerto Rico.
However, some of these explanations have been attributed to two tectonic plates on which Puerto Rico almost sits.
According to National Geographic, there has been an ongoing plate tectonic battle under Puerto Rico, which lies just above the edge of the Caribbean tectonic plate.
National Geographic has made it clear that the aforementioned palette is constantly bumping into the North American plate.
Although Puerto Rico has a long history of earthquakes, minor earthquakes since December 2019 are unique and unusual. As a result, it is expected that research and scientific studies will be conducted to explain the phenomenon in the coming months.
Related article: Shaanxi earthquake: the most destructive earthquake that killed 800,000 people
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