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How We Covered the Gulf’s Biggest Jewish Stories – J.

How We Covered the Gulf’s Biggest Jewish Stories – J.
How We Covered the Gulf’s Biggest Jewish Stories – J.


It’s Archive Week here at J. The Jewish News of Northern California! Our entire archive – 127 years of Jewish news and history in the Gulf region – is now available online for all to browse and search.

From the 1906 earthquake to the launching of the United Nations to the advent of transient rabbis, J. (formerly Emanu-El and the Jewish Bulletin) All the big stories that affect our local Jewish community. Here are some highlights from our recent digital archives.

Adolf Sotro

Sutro was a German Jewish engineer and philanthropist who made a fortune from the Sutro Tunnel, a drainage system he built for the Comstock Lode silver mines in Nevada. He was elected the second Jewish mayor of San Francisco in 1895. (The first was Washington Montgomery Bartlett, who also served as governor of California.) After Sutro’s death in 1898, this publication states in part in honor: “The city loses a remarkable figure of his kind heart and kindness. Gentle, we can tell many a wonderful tale, while the Sutro family loses its leader, who brought the famous German name to the light of American reputation. ”

The first issue following the devastating earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906 involved a major section in which local Jews notified family and friends of where they had moved temporarily after their homes had been destroyed. The issue’s editorial drew an optimistic tone: “Long ago the city near the Golden Gate from the ferry to the hilltops would be a veritable beehive for industry. Let us forget our misfortunes and remember that God has been good to us after all.” A stunning photo of the Congregation Emanu-El shell was published on the cover of the September 21, 1906 issue.

After the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge in May 1937, this newspaper provided a glimpse into the Temple’s chief Jewish engineer, Joseph Strauss. The newspaper also reported that Nazi swastika flags were flown in downtown San Francisco, along with other foreign flags, in celebration of the opening. A fiery editorial was written in response: “The Golden Gate Bridge now belongs to the world. It has been solemnly conferred … for the benefit and enjoyment of man, regardless of race, color or creed. The ability of a Jew to render such a benefit to mankind, should be be as incredible to a thinking Aryan by blood—and as incredible to him as the fact that the Christian Savior was Jewish by birth.”

‘Jews look to the United Nations for a new Bill of Rights’

The United Nations Conference on International Organizations took place in San Francisco in the spring of 1945, with representatives from 50 countries attending. Several articles in the newspaper Emanu-El expressed a sense of excitement and hope among the local Jews surrounding the conference, which culminated in the signing of the UN Charter. One commentator wrote: “The conference seeks to lay the foundation for a just and sane world order, rooted in lasting peace, an order in which we will never again see the human tragedies suffered by Jews and other minorities.”

Before the adoption of the United Nations partition plan for Palestine, local Jews disputed over the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. The head of the San Francisco chapter of the American Council of Judaism helped draft a memorandum to the United Nations opposing the state on the grounds that it would be “harmful to Jews in Palestine and Jews throughout the world” who would be accused by their fellow citizens of dual loyalty. However, hundreds celebrated the state’s birth in May 1948 at a rally held in the Veterans’ Building. “Everyone hailed the new state as the realization of years of hope and effort,” our report stated.

Future Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir visited San Francisco on a national fundraising tour of the Jewish settlement of Yishuv in pre-state Israel. “The strength of her character, the simple dignity with which she asked American Jews to stand by Yishuv, and the future that her words evoked, earned her the respect, admiration, and support of the San Francisco Jews who thronged to Temple Emanu—reporter Rita Semel wrote of Meir, then forty-nine Her age and still known as Goldie Myerson.Meir has returned to San Francisco several times, including in 1956 and 1960.

Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Goldi Myerson (now known as Prime Minister Golda Meir), collects money for the Jewish Welfare Union at Emanu El Complex in February 1948. (Photo / Israel Kayatsky)

The Jewish community mourned San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and superintendent Harvey Milk after their November 27, 1978 assassinations. Milk recently embraced his Jewish identity and attended Yom Kippur services at the Sha’ar Zahav compound. “We have lost a key figure in our connection to the city administration,” Rabbi Allen Bennett said in his eulogy for Milk. Moscone is remembered as a dedicated civil servant who defended Soviet Jews. After Moscone’s death, Dianne Feinstein became the acting mayor and third Jewish mayor of San Francisco.

Harvey Milk on Castro’s camera in the mid-1970s (Image / Courtesy of SF Public Library)

About 2,000 people came to see Natan Sharansky, the leader of the Soviet rejectionists, speaking outside the Soviet consulate in San Francisco. He also addressed a packed crowd at the Emanu-El Complex during a brisk city tour. In his speeches, he criticized the Soviet regime – he said: “The world was blinded by Gorbachev’s gestures of glasnost” – and acknowledged the support he received from local Jews who had outraged him for his release from prison. “I think I can say San Francisco was the one place I had the most ‘criminal connections,'” he said.

The 1989 World Series was very memorable for local Jewish baseball fans. Considered the “Bay Bridge Series”, it was the first and only confrontation in the tournament between the two Bay Area MLB teams. The owners of the San Francisco Giants and Oakland A-teams were Jews (Bob Lowry and Walter Haas Jr., respectively), and both were from the same shool. (“You won’t believe the calls I get for tickets,” Rabbi Robert Kirchner of the Emanu L synagogue of the Jewish Bulletin Winston Beckett said.) Minutes before the start of the third game, the Loma Prieta earthquake struck. The series will be delayed for 10 days, with A eventually winning the title.

J.’s Laura Paull interviewed local members of first-generation non-Dualists and converts rabbis and congregational leaders for J.’s cover story. The group included Rabbi Dave Noelly, chief rabbi of the Kehilla Community Synagogue in Piedmont and possibly the first rabbi to use the pronouns ‘they/ they”. “There is still a lot of backsliding in the Jewish world about transgender people in general,” Noelley said. “Communities have had more time to process what it means to have female clergy, and even gay clergy, than has been available to convert clergy.”

Rabbi Dave Noelly teaches at the Kihela Community Synagogue in Piedmont, where Noelly is Chief Rabbi. (Photo/ Natalie Shrek)




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