A severe earthquake swarm shakes the Yellowstone volcano
Earthquake swarms, heater eruptions, and ground elevation: Large volcanic regions such as Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, show their dynamic processes in various ways. However, this background activity is sometimes said to be more exciting.
You might be here and read this text because you think something unusual is happening with the most famous volcano of the apocalypse. Maybe you saw some activities that you can’t explain right away. But most likely because you found a newspaper article or video on YouTube telling you some strange things that are happening, and you decide to use google for more information. If this is the case, please take 3 or 4 minutes to read the next article.
Initially: I regret to disappoint you, but this article will not tell you that the world will end. I would like to talk about news agencies, bloggers, YouTube users and other parts of the internet community who earn money from the fear of others, and apologize to everyone for the annoying headline but this is the only way to grab the attention of the people who suffer from here.
Yellowstone is definitely the most famous city in the world – what many people call – a “super volcano.” Mostly because of his appearance in various disaster movies, but also because in the worst case he could threaten millions of lives. This is a fact. But it is important to consider the phrase “worst case”. More on that later, however, as you probably know, celebrities often appear in the news if they do something. If Leonardo DiCaprio meets his girlfriend’s father, then it is worth writing about him. Tom Paradise decides to stop playing golf with Donald Trump as well. And of course every little rumble from the very important Yellowstone volcano. A few swarms of earthquakes, a fresh spring or anything else people might find interesting, unfortunately – and with almost 8 years of seismic reporting experience, I know what I’m talking about – small earthquakes and other common geological phenomena alone aren’t attracting many people.
Big readers are important to all business news companies and websites. Website clicks mean potential subscribers, income advertising, and, to some extent, popularity. So, if you’re a reporter from a big newspaper, let’s say … Daily Express and if I want to get readers and click on with a story about something known as a dangerous volcano that could kill millions of people in a stimulating case a long-term scenario, what do I do?
Tell the truth and say that all these small earthquake swarms have occurred there since the beginning of our records, and that they do not mean anything and that there are absolutely no signs that the volcano may erupt in the near future?
Better number:
Yellowstone Volcano: Earthquake swarm weaves the National Park – fears of a volcano erupting
(Link to this Express article. But I recommend: Do not read this site. Do not press them. Do not motivate them to continue their type of “journalism”).
… sigh! Such headlines make scientists want to cry. Especially because most people who have no knowledge of experience will not be able to know whether the described phenomena are really a sign of something larger or not. The answer is: No, definitely not!
The “seismic swarm” that was said to “blow up” the national park was actually quite small. 11 earthquakes of magnitude 1.6 and 3.1. I live in Germany, a country with no high seismic or volcanic activity, and I can even tell you that we see such “swarms” several times a year!
It gets more fun if you look at the argument for why Express believes that Yellowstone might explode: “Some social media users said they feared the increased activity around Yellowstone might be a sign that the super volcano would burst.”
… social media users are the source. Some random people who spend a lot of time on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc., leave a comment somewhere. Perhaps the same people who say the Earth is flat, Bill Gates created the coronavirus and Bielefeld does not exist.
But of course, Express wants to be a “press”, very hidden behind 20 paragraphs of quotes without context, random facts, tons of charts and ads, and they mention some (old) expert statements that earthquake swarms are natural and there is no cause for concern even large ones. But … how many people have read up this sentence? How many clicks on banners, links to other articles? How many people leave the site with false knowledge through a kind of unscientific, misleading and unethical report? And how much money did you express with them?
Earthquakes (red dots) and young faults (black lines) in the greater Yellowstone region. Seismic foci gather due to the frequent occurrence of earthquake swarms. A large number of malfunctions, most of which are not related to volcanoes, increase the risk of earthquakes. Numerous strong tectonic earthquakes have occurred in recent decades, including earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 7. The last small volcanic eruption occurred 3000 years ago.
A business that supports fake news and misinformation, especially in scientific subjects and may even support distrust against scientists.
Successful business: Express publishes articles like this (not only about Yellowstone, but also related to earthquakes and other volcanoes) almost daily. And if a day passes without the possibility of another false news drama, they take the opportunity and republish their last article so that it appears again in Google News as a new story. Here Yellowstone has been posted at least four times since June 1 …
It is not only the Daily Express. There are many other newspapers, YouTube users, and social media channels all over the world that are doing the same thing – all of that contributes to misleading people that Yellowstone will be a dangerous killer that will bring the end of the world in the coming years.
Actually there is no reason to believe this. Earthquake activity has not been high in recent years. On the contrary: There were stronger earthquakes in the past, i.e. the 1959 earthquake measuring 7 and nothing happened. The Yellowstone earthquake swarms occur daily because they affect nearly every volcano in the world. In addition, the geological conditions around Yellowstone enhance seismic swarms: a very active hydrothermal system, a continental diffusion system and a lot of ancient errors. More than 10,000 minor earthquakes have been detected in the Greater Yellowstone area since 2010 but most of them were not directly related to the volcano, nor: Yellowstone did not catch up. Delay may mean that there is some periodic rush cycle with a new rush each year XYZ. But this is not how volcanoes work (or “super volcanoes”, whose eruptions are by the way mostly small and only “super” at very few times): they explode if conditions are provided. This could take days, hundreds of years, or millions of years. In the case of Yellowstone, the next eruption is very likely to be small, like all other Holocene eruptions.
However, if you want to get live information on Yellowstone, use the official Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. There are real experts monitoring the activity. Experts are able to warn if something unusual happens. And please do not believe the rumors that things are subject to censorship! Thanks to the transparency of science, seismic data monitoring is impossible. This fake news is spread by the same people who make money with other fake news – self-support system.
Yes, Yellowstone can one day become a dangerous creature in the future and it is very important to monitor what is happening. But creating a steady degree of fear and panic will not prevent a catastrophe. If distrust of science increases, you may not hear future warnings, whenever the need arises. Then it will be a real disaster.
If you ever encounter text about swarms of “unfamiliar”, “large”, or “massive” earthquakes, etc. near Yellowstone or any other volcano, indicating that a super explosion is imminent, you can be sure they are all lying. They want your clicks, they want your money, nothing more. Trust scientists, they are also people who have no advantage if you are afraid or not. If they tell you to run, it’s time to run.
ZTime goes here
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