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British colonel said it “probably” the coronavirus came from a secret Chinese lab-World News


Daily Mirror learned that the ominous links that track Covid-19’s pandemic have returned to a secret Chinese biological lab, even before the British blockade.

Kol Richard Kemp, a senior expert in military and intelligence services, was reported to be a “high probability” from a war facility dating back to March.

Wuhan’s relationship was spoken by senior foreign sources, who say analysts “strongly doubted” that China’s virology department was the source of the infection.

If the virus was utilized by an animal and subsequently redesigned, it may have been designated as a bioweapon or part of a study of naturally occurring cases.

Former British government adviser Col Kemp, who was responsible for including bioterrorism, said his sources said there was increasing evidence of cover-up by China.

His unnamed source even said that the virus had a “very high probability” that it was unintentionally released from the Wuhan Research Institute in Hubei Province, and even an “artificial variant.”

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Kol Richard Kemp, a senior expert in military and intelligence services, was reported to be a “high probability” from a war facility dating back to March.
(Image: Daily Mirror)

Former Commander of British Army in Afghanistan told Daily Miller exclusively. “At that time, this was “probable” from very reliable sources.

“As in most intelligence worlds, that’s rarely the case, but the term “likely” means that it’s very likely.

“I also believed that it was very unlikely that the government would come out and say it outright, but China knew the intelligence agencies had significant evidence.

“I was told that’s likely, but the virus is involved in testing at the Wuhan Virology Institute and comes from animals that have arrived at the wet market.

“It was believed, and now the corpse has become infected Coronavirus And that the malicious staff sold it for personal gain without considering the possibility that it was infected. That’s how it came out.

P4 Research Institute of Wuhan Virology Research Institute in Wuhan in central Hubei Province of China
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The Wuhan South Seafood Market is said to sell wild animals, including wolf puppies, civets and even koalas.
(Image: Internet unknown)

“I’ve known its origin for years, made this person serious and credible, and made no false claims. From an intelligence perspective, it turns out to be true. “It’s something we need to take very seriously because we can’t back it up with absolute evidence.”

The Wuhan Virology Institute was built in 2002 following the severe outbreak of acute respiratory syndrome-monkeys-that struck China.

It is the home of the only laboratory in China with a P4 biosafety assessment that has been assessed as being capable of studying the most deadly recognized pathogens in the world.

Eight miles from Wuhan’s wet market, it was under US State Department surveillance for a safety flaw reported in 2014.

The market has long been considered to be the source of the virus, jumping from animals. However, Kemp’s recognition of growing concern over the link between Covid-19 and the virology lab underpins a nearly identical claim by former MI6 director, Lord Richard Diarab.

Sir Richard also said he believed yesterday that he saw a report claiming that it first came from the lab and was designed by Chinese scientists.

Sir Richard Diarab, Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge. Former Director of British Secret Information
(Image: Reuters)

Experts widely agreed that the virus was of animal origin, and refuted the claim that it was artificial. But Sir Richard said the Norwegian-British team found that some of its gene sequences may not have evolved naturally with “sections inserted into the spike surface”. ..

He says scientists might have been experimenting with the bat virus when Covid-19 escaped “as an accident.”

Further research, coming soon, states that the virus has a “unique fingerprint” that indicates “desired manipulation.”

Sir Richard added: “As this discussion of the virus evolves, I think all this material will be confusing to many.

Last month, professor David Robertson of Glasgow University told the House of Science and Technology Commission “no evidence” that the virus is artificial.

“I don’t think it’s as smart as we designed it,” he said.

And Boris Johnson “I’ve never seen any evidence that the virus is artificial,” a spokeswoman for the company said yesterday.

But he did not deny the idea that it had accidentally come from the lab, adding: “Investigations will be needed to establish how this virus spread.”


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