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China threatens to end UK trade deal after Boris clashes with Beijing over Hong Kong law | World | New


This week, the Prime Minister promised to offer millions of Hong Kong residents a path to British citizenship if Beijing pushed forward a controversial security law for the semi-autonomous territory. Tensions over the former British colony have intensified.

In a column published Wednesday by the South China Morning Post, he said the law would restrict freedoms and erode his autonomy.

Johnson wrote, “Many people in Hong Kong fear that their way of life – which China is committed to respecting – will be threatened.

“If China proceeds to justify its fears, Britain could not in all conscience shrug its shoulders and move away.

“Since the transfer of powers in 1997, the key has been the precious concept of” one country, two systems “, enshrined in the Basic Law of Hong Kong and supported by the Joint Declaration signed by Great Britain and China.”

After comments from Johnson, the state-controlled media outlet, The Global Times, said that the UK would have more to lose than China if a trade deal was abandoned.

The nationalist tabloid wrote: “The government of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson can sincerely believe that he is fighting for his values ​​as he confronts China with the national security law for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, then that in fact it complicates a much-needed agreement, threatening to inflict significant damage on their own economy.

“Another thing that British politicians can be wrong about is which country needs the free trade deal the most.

“The coronavirus has hit the UK hard, and is currently experiencing its worst peacetime recession in centuries.”

READ MORE: British passport attracts rebels from Hong Kong

After interviewing officials in Beijing, Miss Lam said China has the same right as Britain and the United States to pass laws protecting its national security and that foreign criticism and threats of sanctions will not. could be justified.

She also said that China was forced to take this step at the national level because the opposition in Hong Kong’s own legislature and among government critics did not allow it to be done locally.

Miss Lam said: “I can only say that the international community and some of the foreign governments have adopted blatant double standards for dealing with and commenting on this issue.

“It is the legitimate competence of any country to adopt laws to protect and safeguard national security.

The United States is no exception. The United Kingdom is no exception.

“So why should they oppose, resist or even condemn and punish Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China for taking similar action?”

About 350,000 Hong Kong citizens hold British national overseas passports, a legacy from the colonial era, and 2.5 million others can apply for them, said Johnson in his column.

Long queues have formed in the city’s DHL courier offices since the announcement as people rush to apply for or renew their BNO passports.

Johnson said if China imposed a national security law, Britain would allow holders of BNO passports to stay for 12 months on a renewable basis and give them the right to work, putting them on a possible path towards British citizenship.

Currently, BNO passport holders can currently only stay in the UK for up to six months.

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