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Jonah Goldberg Calls New York Times For “ Crazy ” Apology For Publishing Cotton Article


Dispatch editor Jonah Goldberg, a Fox News contributor, criticized the New York Times Thursday after the newspaper published what he called a “crazy” apology for publishing an opinion piece by the senator Tom Cotton, R-Ark., Who called on the military to quell riots in American cities.

“It is the same newspaper that published editorials of a Taliban leader and [Turkish] President [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, “said Goldberg on” Special relationship with Bret Baier “.” And that [Cotton’s view] is the opinion that many Americans at least have sympathy and have lost their minds there. It’s crazy.”


Cotton’s article, published Wednesday, called on the federal government to “send troops” to quell the violent uprisings after the death of George Floyd. The newspaper encountered an “open revolt” in the newspaper, and several staff members tweeted in unison: “The execution of this action puts Black @NYTimes staff at risk.”

After Times editor-in-chief James Bennet and Times editor AG Sulzberger defended the opinion piece, a spokesperson released a statement Thursday evening saying the article by Cotton should never have been published.

“We have reviewed the article and the process leading to its publication. This review clearly showed that a hasty editorial process led to the publication of an Op-Ed that did not meet our standards,” the statement said. “As a result, we plan to review both the short-term and long-term changes, to include expanding our fact-checking operation and reducing the number of editions we publish.”


Host Bret Baier made reference to a Morning Consult survey in which 58% of respondents said they supported the use of the U.S. military to strengthen local law enforcement.

“I think this poll is a bit off the wall,” replied Goldberg, “to the extent that I think a lot of people think it means the National Guard, not necessarily the federal troops.”

The contributor added that although he disagreed with Cotton’s position, the play was “a perfectly legitimate thing to perform”.

Joseph A. Wulfsohn of Fox News contributed to this report.

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