There are neurons in the brain that appear to respond only to songs
![There are neurons in the brain that appear to respond only to songs There are neurons in the brain that appear to respond only to songs](
Electrical recordings from the auditory cortex of 15 individuals identified brain cells that responded specifically when listening to a song.
February 22, 2022
Female listening to music through headphones DEEPOL by plainpicture / Simona Pillola
Humans may have neurons whose main task is to process songs.Scientists have previously discovered neurons that are selective for speech musicIt suggests that our brain has specific cells that process the different types of sounds we hear.
Sam Norman-Haigunere At the University of Rochester in New York, his colleague recorded the electrical activity of the brains of 15 people, listening to 165 different sounds. These included music, speeches, animal calls, and flush toilet sounds.
Participants were in the hospital, so the electrodes were already embedded in their heads. Epilepsy This allowed researchers to obtain more accurate data compared to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans.
With these recordings, researchers discovered a population of neurons that seemed to respond almost exclusively to songs, although their response to speech and instrumental music was very small.
“This work suggests that there is a brain difference between instrumental and vocal music,” says Norman Haignere, but researchers test whether neurons also respond to spoken language and rap music. did not.
They superposed these results on fMRI data from 30 other people who heard the same sound, allowing neurons to be mapped to specific areas of the brain. The “singing” neurons were roughly located between the music of the auditory cortex and the speech selection area.
Researchers don’t understand why we have such neurons. “It could have been due to some evolutionary role,” says Norman-Haignere. “Many people think that singing plays an important role in the evolution of music.”
“But it can all be caused by exposure,” he says. “People spend a lot of time listening to music.” The team is convinced that these neurons aren’t driven by music training, but probably all of us have them. ..
“Being able to distinguish the musical characteristics of sound is the basis for survival,” he says. Jorg Fachner At Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England. “It makes sense that this propensity is built into our auditory cortex.”
“I may be able to explain why singing a song I love to people with dementia can get a response. [even though] The neurodegenerative process has limited the function of brain areas, “he says. “This result, along with other neuroimaging-related results in musical memory, may help explain why songs are useful for people with dementia.”
Journal reference: Current biology, DOI: 10.1016 / j.cub.2022.01.069
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