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“It sounded like thunder,” said the black countrymen who were shaken by the earthquake

“It sounded like thunder,” said the black countrymen who were shaken by the earthquake
“It sounded like thunder,” said the black countrymen who were shaken by the earthquake


The epicenter was at Andrew Road, next to the M5 in West Bromwich. Image: google

According to the British Geological Survey (BGS), the epicenter was at Andrew Road in West Bromwich, next to the M5 and near the Sandwell and Walsall border.

However, residents from across the Black Country’s four boroughs, Birmingham and as far away as Litchfield, reported hearing a “loud bang” as the earthquake struck.

In the heart of the Andrew Road earthquake, it looked as if thunder was striking and not an earthquake.

Reporter Elinor Lawson, who lives across the street, explained: “We were at the epicenter and still awake when it happened.

“I’m surprised we were so close because the noise seemed so far away. If we were asleep, I don’t think it would have woken us.”

“There was a loud, unmistakable sound reverberating in the room. I assumed it was thunder, until I checked the internet.

“I was reading an article about Russia and Ukraine at the time of the earthquake, which gave me a temporary dread.”

Gloria Barnsley and her husband Roger, both in their early 70s, were relaxing at home in Prestwood, near Kenver, when they heard a loud noise.

Ms Barnsley, who was watching Gogglebox when the quake struck, said: “My husband and I were watching TV and because we live near the woods, we looked at each other and thought ‘what’s going on?'” “

“We have a lot of trees falling and it was like a tree that fell and bounced back. We’ve heard it before and tried to guess how long it has been, without knowing it was a long time ago (Dudley earthquake in 2000).

“We really thought it was trees because of storm problems across the UK. We thought at the time we weren’t going to investigate because we’re fine, the house is fine, and everything looked fine.”

In the Dudley area, Mark Andrews was reading a newspaper in his chair when he heard “cracking” and “roaring” noises. At first he thought “the house is going to collapse” but then realized that it doesn’t compare to previous earthquakes in the area.

BGS said the quake was 4.3 miles (7 kilometers) deep and the effects were felt within a radius of 12.4 miles (20 kilometers) from the epicenter, with tremors detected by residents of Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Dudley.

Back in September 2002, a 5.0-magnitude earthquake shook the area and the epicenter was at the intersection of High Arcal Road and Hemley Road in Hemley, near Dudley.

And in 1984, a 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the region, with the epicenter on the Lynn Peninsula in Wales.

David Galloway, of BGS, said: “This is not unusual – we record 250 or so earthquakes over the UK on average and most of them go unnoticed. We get earthquakes of this size about 12 to 15 times a year, but most of them go unnoticed. It occurs in unpopulated areas and it is clear that Walsall, Birmingham and Black Country are inhabited (so noted).

Dr Georgios S Papavasiliou, lecturer in Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton, said the quake was small but still felt by many because buildings in the UK were not prepared to handle earthquakes.

He explained: “According to the British Geological Survey, the earthquake that occurred in the West Midlands last night was a magnitude of 2.8, which would classify it as a ‘minor’ earthquake, so why did so many people feel the earthquake? The reason is that due to the rarity of major seismic events in the Kingdom United, we do not design our typical apartment buildings against earthquakes.

“This should not be alarming, though, given that our structures, provided they are of good build quality, have an intrinsic capacity to withstand even minor seismic events without any damage at all. In the UK, we have earthquake proof building design codes. , while for buildings of increased importance, this is a risk to consider when designing them.

“Overall last night’s event has not been a frequent occurrence in the UK mainland and certainly not a cause for concern. It is a reminder though of the need for good quality construction and our responsibility to ensure that there are no unsafe objects in our homes that could fall and cause injury.”

Many residents took to social media to describe what had happened. Robin Smith, of Manor Road, Walsall wrote: “It scared me to death, I thought the car had crashed into the house.”

One resident, who lives in the Sandwell area, told BGS it was like “grumbling loudly like a passing truck” causing their windows to vibrate, but that it ended “very quickly”.

While another person in Litchfield said it was a “very short tremor, almost sonic boom” as residents took to social media to report feeling the quake.

One resident reported the “shaking” of his sofa while another said, “I felt like everything in my room shook (and) I thought someone was trying to break in my door.”

One person added, “I thought I wasn’t feeling well – I was going up stairs and my legs were like jelly.”

Others told BGS that the quake shook their homes, while one said it “was like a wardrobe fell or a window exploded”.




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