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Amazing killer gun warning signs that every woman needs to know

Amazing killer gun warning signs that every woman needs to know



The daily symptom that plagues millions of people can actually be cancer.

Fullness is the most common Signs of ovarian cancer – But most women have no idea.

New research Shows that 4 in 5 (79%) women were unaware that abdominal distension could be a sign of a tumor.

According to experts, many cases can be detected early if a woman knows vital signs.

Abdominal distension has dozens of causes, and in many cases it is not cancer.

Overeating conditions such as processed foods, heavy wheat-based foods, sugar, dairy products, stress, alcohol, or IBS can cause bloating.

These may obscure cases of ovarian cancer.

Females may mistakenly assume that the cancerous swelling is middle-aged spread or menopause.

The target ovarian cancer behind the study warned that it could become cancer if symptoms such as bloating occur 12 times a month.

Originally from Bury St Edmunds, Katy Stephenson was diagnosed with early-stage ovarian cancer by flukes in 2021, despite months of bloating.

A 47-year-old woman said, “I had experienced symptoms such as bloating and the need to feel bloating more urgently for several months, but I thought I was in the perimenopausal period.” I am.

“When I was hospitalized for appendicitis, I was diagnosed with flukes.”

“If that didn’t happen, the cancer would probably have spread, and I hate thinking about what happened.

“In fact, I was told that I had no symptoms in the early stages of ovarian cancer, but I did.”

Other warning signs

A study by Target Ovarian Cancer found that at least two-thirds of women were unaware of the overt symptoms of the disease.

Two-thirds (68%) did not know that abdominal pain was a sign.

Another 97% were unaware that feeling full was a danger signal at all times.

And 99% wouldn’t think that having to cry more often could be an illness.

Occasionally, other symptoms may appear, such as diarrhea and constipation, extreme fatigue, and unexplained weight loss.

Symptoms are usually new, persistent, and frequent (more than 12 times a month).

The study also found an increase in the number of females – 40% compared to 31% in 2016 – erroneously believes that the cervical smear test checks for illness, but in reality children I’m looking for cervical cancer.

He said the GP did not refer the patient early enough because the targeted ovarian cancer was too vague or resembled a stomach problem.

It warned that women were “failed by a crisis of consciousness.”

Chief Executive Officer Anwen Jones said:

“We need to implement a large government-sponsored symptom campaign.”

“Doing this will reduce the number of people who are delayed in diagnosis, the number of people who need invasive treatment, and the number of people who will eventually die unnecessarily from ovarian cancer.”

This story originally appeared To the sun I duplicated it here with permission.




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