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Starting Friday, you can remove your COVID vaccinated mask indoors – Daily Breeze

Starting Friday, you can remove your COVID vaccinated mask indoors – Daily Breeze
Starting Friday, you can remove your COVID vaccinated mask indoors – Daily Breeze


Officials said Wednesday, February 23, at companies in Los Angeles County and several other venues, starting Friday, patrons can take off their masks and go indoors if they can prove that they are fully vaccinated. Said to.

In the form of action, Latest Revised LA County Public Health Order on CoronavirusShows significant changes as the region breaks out of the winter Omicron Serge grip. However, this move is still an interim measure and the county is still in the “highly infected” stage of the virus. Schools are not yet part of the latest health order revision.

Under the revised Health Order, businesses have two options. Option 1:

  • Businesses that want to allow fully vaccinated customers Workers removing masks indoors Before entering or before entering an indoor space, you need to confirm 100% of customers (5 years old and over) and workers. This is done by providing evidence of complete vaccination against COVID-19 or by providing evidence of a negative test in 2 days for PCR testing and 1 day for antigen testing.
  • According to the county, those who do not show evidence of vaccination should provide a negative test and continue to wear appropriate masks indoors (as required by the state), except when actively eating and drinking. I have.

For option 2:

  • Companies that want to allow fully vaccinated customers to remove their masks indoors All onsite workers remain masked, Before entering or before entering an indoor space, you need to confirm 100% of customers (5 years old and over). Provide evidence of complete vaccination against COVID-19 or evidence of recent negative COVID-19 virus test results. Customer testing must be done within 2 days of entry for PCR testing and within 1 day for antigen testing.
  • Fully vaccinated customers may be unmasked in an indoor environment.
  • Customers who are not fully vaccinated should continue to wear appropriate masks indoors (as required by the state), except when actively eating and drinking.

“As infections decrease and virus circulation decreases, some tools may provide significant protection against the worst risks associated with COVID,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health. I am saying. “Vaccines are one of these tools and have low hospitalization rates and COVID hospitalization rates, so in settings to check vaccination or negative test status, move to a strong recommendation for masking without the need for masking. Is appropriate. “

Virtually this shift puts the responsibility on the company to ensure that all authorized customers indoors are fully vaccinated or can provide evidence of a recent negative COVID test. After that verification, only fully vaccinated customers are allowed to remove the mask indoors. Unvaccinated customers should continue to wear masks indoors, even after a negative COVID test, unless they are actively eating or drinking. And under the order, no one can be prevented from wearing a mask.

Authorities said the revised rule is a “provisional measure” to be taken until the county reaches moderate infection for two consecutive weeks, with 10-49.99 cases per 100,000 people over the past seven days by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emphasized that it is defined. Authorities say they expect more relaxation when the county reaches that point.

As of Wednesday, the CDC was displayed Case rate per 100,000 of 224.89 and transmission risk remains high. Feller said interest rates could fall further in the current clip, with further deregulation in mid-to-late March.

An alternative criterion for case rate is when the COVID vaccine is available to residents under the age of 5 for at least 8 weeks and no new “variations of concern” that could cause another surge have been identified.

The revised order will be issued after several weeks of falls and hospitalization in the county.

On Wednesday, 1,204 people in the county were hospitalized. On January 19, the number was much higher, at 4,814. This is a 75% drop and is part of a trend that has definitely driven the public health decision to ease the restrictions on indoor masking that have been implemented so far. After July..

Nonetheless, Wednesday officials confirmed an additional 36 deaths and 1,934 new cases of COVID-19 in the county, for a total of 30,447 and 2,787,359, respectively. The county positive rate was 2.3%.

Public health officials continue to warn, given the corresponding increase in rates a few times before the mask came off.

According to figures released last week, 82% of eligible residents over the age of 5 have been vaccinated with at least one COVID vaccine, 74% have been fully vaccinated and 36% have been fully vaccinated. I am receiving a booster shot.

Of the 10.3 million people in the county, 78% have been vaccinated at least once, 70% have been fully vaccinated and 34% have been boosted.

“There are powerful tools to prevent virus infections, but none are perfect. Therefore, various safety measures need to be taken to reduce infections. If the transmission is very high, it is as complete as possible. You need to create a shield, so it’s important to have all the protection you have at hand, “Feller said in a statement.

The revised order does not apply to schools. In its current state, you need a mask indoors on campus. Local authorities say they will reassess the school’s indoor mask rules after February 28, when the state will announce the date on which the requirements will be lifted. Officials said the assessment included risk, vaccination rates, positive tests, and hospitalization considerations.

This order is part of a general rewind of the rules that has caused continued criticism that the requirements are tedious and inconsistent.

Last Wednesday (three days after the Super Bowl), the county’s outdoor masking obligations were lifted due to outdoor “mega events” and outdoor activities at schools and child care centers.

County supervisors Kathryn Barger and Janice Hahn have better with less stringent state guidance that only requires masks at hubs, including school, transportation hubs, and collective settings such as medical care. Promoted a matching health order.

Feller said last week that his department was considering changing the rules this week, but sought patience because he accepted opposition concerns from employee supporters. Feller and other county officials are wary of lifting the rule too soon, which could jeopardize the health of thousands of frontline and essential workers. I’m afraid.

On Wednesday, it was clear that labor groups would continue to urge county public health authorities to pay attention to such workers.

“We continue to call for common-sense policies that keep our members safe and strictly follow the guidance of medical professionals,” said David Green, president of SEIU Local 721, in a statement on behalf of the local community. .. More than 60,000 LA County members include workers in county hospitals and clinics, library administration, public works, social services, public security, and more. “As the county is about to change its policy on indoor masking, we demand a meaningful voice about table seats and how these policies are shaped. LA County makes this to workers. I owe it. “

Hahn appeared to have blown the lid off the change on Tuesday. Hahn wrote on a Twitter page that the County Public Health Service has issued an updated health official order this week, which will probably come into effect on Friday. This allows us to be much closer to coordinating with the state. “

Mr Berger said on Tuesday that he was “happy to hear” about the pending policy changes.

“I’ve been asking for this,” she wrote on Twitter. “This is another step towards living (together) with COVID-19 in a balanced way. But fragmented policies are frustrating and confusing.”

Hahn on Wednesday called the revision of the health order “a welcome step in the right direction.”

“I still think a perfect match with California would be a better, less confusing approach, but this is correct as our cases are reduced and we learn to live with this virus. It’s a welcome step in the direction, “she said.

That’s right. The state has already shifted its focus to the endemic stage of the virus — she moves too fast in Los Angeles County, given the lack of access to treatments and the vaccination rates she considers still inadequate. He was wary of that, but Feller said the plan made sense.

This change was welcome news for the business community riding on the pandemic decline and the associated health orders.

Tracy Hernandez, founder of the Los Angeles County Business Federation, said: “This is the right direction, but I believe it’s time for LA County to work with other parts of the state to ease conflicting rules that make compliance difficult.”

A spokesperson for the city of Pasadena, which operates its own independent health department, said the city would be in line with the new rules of Los Angeles County.

Earlier this month, the Department of Health and Human Services at Long Beach — also independent of L..A. County Public Health — Shows a route to remove the obligation to use indoor masks for fully vaccinated individuals.

At Long Beach, the 7-day cumulative rate should be 10-50 cases per 100,000 cases and the positive rate should be 5% -8% for at least 2 weeks. Another option is to provide 8 weeks of vaccination for people up to 4 years of age. According to city data on Tuesday, February 22, the average number of cases per 100,000 people on Long Beach for seven days was 159.4. However, the average number of cases per day is as low as 10.6 as of Tuesday. And as of February 16th, when Long Beach recently updated its statistics, its positive rate was 6.6%.

The county fact sheet on the change is from the Public Health Service. Website..




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