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Description: How cord blood was used to treat HIV patients

Description: How cord blood was used to treat HIV patients
Description: How cord blood was used to treat HIV patients


Patients in the United States become the third person in the world, the first female Cure HIV, A deadly virus that causes AIDS. A woman diagnosed with leukemia in 2017 recovered after receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor who is naturally resistant to HIV. New York Times report.

Presented at a conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections in Denver earlier this month, the case is the first case involving cord blood and medical professionals believe that HIV treatment will be more widely available. It’s a new way to go.

What is HIV and how is it transmitted?

The human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is an infection that attacks the immune system by destroying the body’s immune cells, called CD4, and helps respond to the infection. When HIV attacks CD4 cells, it begins to replicate and destroy cells, weakening the body’s immune system and making it more susceptible to certain “opportunistic infections” that utilize the weaker immune system.

Body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, rectal fluid, and breast milk can be carriers of HIV. It can cause unprotected sex, blood transfusions of contaminated blood, sharing of needles and syringes, and transmission of infants from pregnant HIV mothers.

The time from HIV infection to AIDS diagnosis is usually 10 to 15 years, but it can occur earlier.

What do we know about this breakthrough treatment?

In 2013, a mixed-race female, now known as a “patient in New York,” was diagnosed with HIV. She began receiving antiretroviral drugs to keep her virus levels low. Four years later she was diagnosed with leukemia.As part of her cancer She was treated and received a cord blood transplant from someone who naturally resisted HIV. Since then, she hasn’t needed antiretroviral therapy, the researchers who presented her case said.

Blood from the umbilical cord contained a mutation that blocked HIV. New York Times report. Importantly, it was sourced from a partially matched donor. Similar transplant procedures performed using bone marrow should be an exact match.

The patient is part of a US-based study led by Dr. Yvonne Bryson of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Dr. Deborah Perseau of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to treat cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Types of blood transplants for. As part of this study, patients first receive chemotherapy to kill cancerous immune cells prior to stem cell transplantation.

According to some experts, new transplant methods can be too risky for most people living with HIV. BBC report.

Why is this important?

In addition to being a major medical advance, this case is important for two reasons. First, this was the first successful umbilical cord blood transplant in an HIV patient. Physicians and researchers have shown that this approach is likely to make treatment more widely available.

Second, the patient was a middle-aged mixed-race female. This is important because the majority of US donors are Caucasian offspring. This breakthrough treatment requires only partial match, not full match, thus expanding treatment options to people of different racial backgrounds.

How did the first two HIV patients heal?

Timothy Ray Brown in Berlin was the first person to “cure” HIV after undergoing a stem cell transplant in 2007. Adam Castillo in London was the second person in the world to be cured of HIV in 2020. The patient received a transplant from a donor who has a rare gene that provides protection against HIV.

Unlike patients in New York, both Brown and Castillejo received adult stem cells as part of a bone marrow transplant. Adult stem cells are more difficult to find, but cord blood is more widely available. It also does not require close agreement with the donor.

Both men suffered from serious side effects after bone marrow transplantation, including graft-versus-host disease. In fact, Brown almost died after the transplant.

Meanwhile, a patient in New York was discharged just 17 days after surgery and did not develop graft-versus-host disease, her doctor, Jing Mei Hsu, said. New York Times..

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