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The Perfect Father’s Day Gift – The Free Weekly


The perfect gift for Father's Day

Q. It will be my husband’s first father’s day with our son who will not be creating a gift at school. He will definitely give her a card, but if not he and I are a little short of gift ideas, can you help me?

A. Father’s Day is a great time to remind the dads in our lives of how much we care about them. A few years ago, if someone mentioned a Father’s Day gift, automatic thinking was a tie. Even though their work still involves equality, most men tend to leave them on weekends.
So what are some gift ideas that you and your son will love to give him and that he will be really happy to receive? Among the wide range of personal items to wear or transport, some are simple and comfortable, some unique and useful, some pure and simple luxuries.

COMFORTABLE: A comfortable sweatshirt in fabrics ranging from flannel to fleece is timeless. The fleece looks good and feels good, is sturdy and will last for years. He can also relax in a comfortable and warm cotton super soft terry cloth dress.

A pair of anti-scratch slippers, like the ones lined with Ugg sheepskin, are a good idea; they will keep his feet warm and work with the sweatshirt or dress. Pajamas or pajama bottoms for the home are both comfortable and useful.

USEFUL: The interesting and unusual socks have a major moment right now, there are so many choices in dozens of styles, every color imaginable and a wide range of prices. Even men who don’t consider themselves fashion guys find colorful and whimsical socks interesting. Men like to match and contrast them with other more traditional items in their wardrobes.

In terms of accessories, almost all dads can use a new wallet. They tend to buy the no frills type. If you want to give it something more special, the unique design of Rogue industries (800-786-1768) has a curved corner that makes it fit perfectly in the front pocket of men’s pants. It is available in a variety of leathers and skins, can be personalized with its initials and is priced starting at $ 45.

Dad doesn’t need to travel to enjoy a nice leather Dopp kit. It is a welcome gift (empty or equipped with some of his favorite shaving products). The most special item you could include is a real shaving brush for badger hair. But you may have to decide if this would seem to be too broad a hint that it might be time for him to shave that new beard at home.

Alone or added to the kit, a quality perfume can be an excellent choice, whether it is something beautiful and new or that it has worn for years. If his favorite has become elusive in stores, Perfume in Ft. Worth, Texas (800-874-1118) can find or create almost any scent. They say they store the old, the new and the ugly. Another item you could put in a Dopp kit is one of the new heated shavers.

A final personal gift related to grooming is a shoe shine kit. Your husband and child may like to do this together. Many dads like to teach their sons the art of polishing their own shoes.

A funnier father and son idea is the one I saw in a recent Gap ad: a pair of T-shirts or polo shirts with matching or almost matching patterns to wear on the same day. Here is an example where one plus one can equal more than two.

THOUGHTS / LUXURY GIFTS: And now to the gift category I like the most. My strong belief is that the perfect / ideal gift for any occasion is one that the recipient is happy to get, but that they might never think of buying for themselves.

A thin double layer cashmere sweater in a solid color or subtle pattern has the advantage of being particularly comfortable while being luxurious; it can last for decades and never goes out of fashion. A leather bomber type jacket also has a long life. I have never known a man who did not want to own one. It seems that every man feels young and current.

In terms of men’s jewelry, cufflinks are small and can be an extremely personal gift: new, vintage or even a family heirloom. And because many men are using their phones instead of a watch these days, a newly popular piece of jewelry is a simple male bracelet, which is not of precious metal. Most of them are made of leather; others are made of woven rope or rubber.

A gift that almost no man would think of buying for himself, but which corresponds to this category of luxurious non-essential items is a double gift that I already gave to my young husband for a black tie outfit: a scarf in white silk and a pair of beautiful white leather gloves. . . this is probably the time when gloves can make a comeback!

Please send your men’s dress and grooming questions to MALE CALL: [email protected]

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