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Top 100 Long COVID Symptoms, Complicate Treatment

Top 100 Long COVID Symptoms, Complicate Treatment


An estimated 10 to 50 percent of the approximately 500 million people infected with COVID worldwide so far Experience long-term symptoms.. For 4 weeks to several years from the first diagnosis The aftereffects of the virus can be prolongedAffects the way patients lead their daily lives.

Medical professionals are trying to understand why long COVIDs keep track of some patients and not others.According to research journal cellIf the patient experiences, the patient may be prone to long-term symptoms One or more of the following biological factors: High viral load at initial infection, autoantibody flood, Epstein-Barr virus reactivation, and history of type 2 diabetes. Since these drivers are not immediately visible to the patient from the beginning, it is difficult to predict who will ultimately be at increased risk of long COVID.Some studies Vaccines halve risk Adults ending with a long COVID Other preliminary surveys If not, I will suggest it.

“Our knowledge of long COVID is definitely better today than it was a year ago,” said Ziyad Al-Aly, Head of Research and Education Services for the St. Louis Veterans Medical System. “But certainly, there’s a lot to do, especially in the field of treatment. I still don’t know what I don’t know.”

SARS-Cov-2 can be the cause in the lungs where the virus normally takes root Tissue damage When Scar That Interfere with oxygen intake.. However, pathogens “can affect almost any organ system,” explains Al-Aly. “Heart, brain, kidneys.” Scientists say he’s still confused that the respiratory virus can cause so many symptoms outside the lungs.

Ann Early researchPosted in February without peer review, we examined the health records of approximately 500,000 COVID patients in the United Kingdom and identified symptoms of over 115 long-haul carriers that lasted at least 12 weeks after infection. Not all symptoms appear in all patients, but the current challenge is to link the symptoms to the disease, says Al-Aly.In the early stages of the pandemic, the series of pains of long-haul carriers was so strange that patients Concerns were often dismissed Caused by a doctor or accidentally due to a psychological illness.

Armed with more experience from tackling infectious disease fallout, healthcare professionals are now beginning to recognize common illnesses among long-haul carriers and are working to improve treatment.

Heart and blood circulation

As a Los Angeles-based cardiologist, Alice Perowski has always taken heart health very seriously. She is an endurance athlete and has run several marathons under the belt. However, she says her blood pressure has exceeded the spot since she was the victim of COVID in March 2020. When she suddenly stands up, her heart rate soars. This is a trace of the work of a person who was in the hospital for 12 hours plus a day before the pandemic. In the first eight months of being infected with COVID, she Chronic fatigue,I think that the Side effects of interrupted oxygen supply From blood vessel damage and blood clots.

“My work has changed 180 degrees,” says Perlowski. “My life has changed 180 degrees.” Her symptoms improved and she was able to practice telemedicine from her home.

Al-Aly and his team Extensive research of their own As for how COVID destroys the heart and blood vessels, they admit that the mechanism is still unknown. They found that the virus damages and kills heart cells, infects the inner walls of blood vessels, nullifies hormonal regulation, and counteracts the immune system itself. These broad reasons can partially explain why the disease devastates the body’s cardiovascular system and impairs how oxygen is distributed throughout the body for normal daily functioning.

Nervous system and brain

One of the most common symptoms of long COVID is often called “brain fog”. This is a term that Perlowski hates.

“The fog in the brain sounds like you’re on the phone all night or with a baby screaming all night, and you’re a little slower than usual,” she says. increase. “But the kind of cognitive impairment that occurs is so far that some people have a hard time reading, writing, and talking. It’s very similar to traumatic brain injury.”

An unpeer-reviewed study published in August 2021 reported: MRI brain scan of 401 COVID patients Tissue damage and loss of gray matter were found. Brain atrophy was another common problem. On average, individuals had a smaller brain size and increased presence of cerebrospinal fluid after infection. Patients also performed worse on basic cognitive tests compared to non-COVID patients.

[Related: ‘Preliminary research’ on COVID has been surprisingly solid]

The myriad effects of COVID on the brain are still unknown, The main hypothesis suggests Viruses can invade the cerebrum through the olfactory nerve, and immune cells can trigger attacks on brain cells.

Beyond understanding the COVID for the human central nervous system, another insidious result is Autonomic nervous system.. It is a network of nerves outside the brain that regulates various body processes that are performed in the background of human consciousness. It manages your balance and automatically adjusts your heart rate and blood pressure as you switch between different activities.

Sarah (Sarah, a long COVID patient, like Perlowski popular (Don’t use her real name) Still, it’s physically difficult to get up from a sitting position. Walking around her apartment is a great achievement. Going to a grocery store alone is a tremendous dream. Even a simple cognitive task robs Sarah of her energy reserves so much that she saves her daily power to communicate with her medical team and has room to chat with her family and friends. There is none.

Earlier this year she tried knitting socks. But after she lined up in three rows, she wrote in an email, “I had to take a nap for a few hours because I was breathing hard and physically tired.” She wants the general public to know “how comprehensive this disorder is”. Landing on her dream job and living a lively and fulfilling life before the pandemic, Sarah is now struggling every day to make sure she’s just clean and nourished.

Autoimmune reaction

Prior to the pandemic, Sarah had never experienced any allergies. However, two years after she became infected with COVID, she became intolerant of food and medicine, random urticaria, and her vision problems. “I feel like I’m playing an eerie game of autoimmune / inflammatory bingo every time a new set of symptoms appears,” she writes.

“Long COVID symptoms can actually be ubiquitous,” says Philip A. Chan, an infectious disease specialist at Brown University. “This is the category” I would call “other”.

“My work has changed 180 degrees. My life has changed 180 degrees.”

Alice Perlowski, cardiologist

These “other” symptoms Can be widespread Insomnia, diarrhea, hair loss, dry skin, erectile dysfunction, etc. Voice damage, And body aches. The diverse and seemingly unrelated illnesses after the first attack of COVID, contrary to classification, emphasize how widespread the virus is throughout the body.

“I still remember that COVID is generally still a relatively new virus,” says Chan. During the first two years of the pandemic, the focus of public health policy was on the containment of the pandemic. Now, after the waves of Omicron culminated and broke, Chan says it was time to shift our attention to the long-term understanding and treatment of COVID in the coming months and years.

Processing of long-distance carriers

There is no cure for long COVID yet. Current treatments address only the symptoms, not the root cause. “This is, of course, one of the reasons we have to do everything we can to prevent COVID,” says Chan. “This is another major reason why vaccination should be considered if not vaccinated.” He said that those who experienced symptoms weeks after the first COVID infection had worsening symptoms. He added that he should seek help from his family doctor as soon as possible to prevent him from doing so.

As both a doctor and a long COVID patient, Perlowski has a front row seat as the illness terrorizes her and her patients. “Some people are really suffering and have no relief or treatment,” she says. “It’s scary to see.” She wants the public to be more aware of the types of risks they face, even if Improves daily cases and mortality..

Government agencies also need to be strengthened.In more states Remove COVID restrictionsLong-haul carriers like Sarah are worried that they may be left to protect themselves for themselves. She believes that when she is re-infected with COVID, she will not only stay home, but will be bedridden. She is worried and angry that she will be further excluded from society. Mask obligations are relaxed..

Al-Aly advises those who have completely recovered from the virus or who have evaded the virus so far, to pay attention and not to put any further burden on the country’s limited medical resources. “After all, we have to deal with the facts,” he says. “We just can’t hope for it.” After all, the pandemic nightmare isn’t over. Millions of long-haul carriers trying to survive the COVID mark..




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