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India needs to be vigilant, as neighboring countries are not without polio.Indian news

India needs to be vigilant, as neighboring countries are not without polio.Indian news


New Delhi: Neighboring countries are not yet infected with polio, so India needs to be vigilant and continue its vaccination program for this disease. Mansukh Mandaviya He emphasized on Saturday that a door-to-door inoculation campaign would be held to ensure that no one was left behind.
The ministry, which launched a national polio immune drive in 2022 by administering polio vaccine to children under the age of five at the Ministry of Health, said that children under the age of 15 and over 15 carols will be vaccinated against the disease in the coming months. Said.
“The strategic battle against polio in India is a success story of national public health policy against vaccine-preventable diseases. We remain vigilant and ensure that all children under the age of 5 receive polio drops. You have to make sure you don’t have to, “he said.
Under the leadership of the Prime Minister Narendra ModiThe Universal Immunization Program is focused on protecting children from more illnesses than ever before and has introduced several new vaccines such as the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV). Rotavirus Vaccines and recent measles-Rubella (MR) vaccine, Mandaviya added.
In addition, to provide additional protection for children, he noted that the government also introduced an injectable inactivated polio vaccine into its regular immune program.
“We are striving to protect children from more and more illnesses, but it is important that all vaccines reach all children in our country under the program,” said the Minister. I did.
Emphasizing the importance of protecting National Immunity Day, ” Swath Barrat This can only be achieved if our children are healthy. The purpose of Mission Indradhanush or Polio Vaccination Drive is to protect children from such deadly illnesses. Neighboring countries are not yet infected with polio, so you need to be vigilant and continue your vaccination program.
“Children under the age of 5 over Rs 1.5 billion will be vaccinated in the coming months. A door-to-door sales campaign with powerful microplanning will ensure that no one remains. All healthcare professionals Congratulations to interested parties. Like WHO, UNICEF, Rotary clubs and NGOs, this vaccination program has been made into Lok Bhagidari Andolan, which the Prime Minister envisioned. To get all families to vaccinate their children. Please come forward. ”
Union Health Minister Rajes Boushan He emphasized the outcomes and future paths for implementing a national immune program.
“India is not infected with polio, but it is our responsibility to be vigilant. Immunization and continued pulse polio at the border as neighboring countries report cases of polio. Transit teams are in place in all states to ensure that. ”
Polio National Immune Day 2022 (NID) will be held nationwide on Sunday (February 27). India has an annual national NID and two quasi-national immunization days (SNIDs) against polio to maintain population immunity to wild poliovirus and to maintain polio-free status. We are implementing.
During Polio NID, more than 15 Karol children will be covered in all 36 states and Union Territories in 735 districts. During the drive, polio vaccine will be provided to children through seven Raku booths nationwide. A house of about 2.36 billion rupees will be visited by volunteers of about 240,000 rupees and a supervisor of about 15,000 rupees.
Meghalaya has already driven on January 24th, but Mizoram will drive on March 1st for regional reasons. The elected states of Uttar Pradesh and Manipur plan to organize polio NIDs on March 20 and March 24, respectively.
Following booth activities, home-to-home surveillance (mop-up rounds) will be conducted for two to five days to identify and immunize children who were not vaccinated at the booth. Vaccination teams are also located at bus terminals, stations, airports and ferry crossings to vaccinate children in transit so they don’t miss life-saving doses.
Polio has not occurred in India for more than 10 years, and the last case of wild poliovirus was reported on January 13, 2011.




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