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“Immune distraction” from a previous cold leads to worse COVID infection

“Immune distraction” from a previous cold leads to worse COVID infection
“Immune distraction” from a previous cold leads to worse COVID infection


At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we were expected to be immune to existing immunity. Colds can protect you from COVIDHowever, new evidence suggests that sometimes the opposite can happen. According to a new study at the University of Rochester Medical Center, previous infections and immunity to one of the common cold coronaviruses could put people at risk of more serious COVID illness and death.

Research published in Infectious Disease JournalExamined immunity to various coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID, in blood samples taken from 155 COVID patients early in the pandemic. Of those patients, 112 were hospitalized and provided continuous samples during the hospitalization process.

These inpatients experienced a significant rapid increase in antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2 and several other coronaviruses. Significant increases in antibodies (protective proteins produced by the immune system) are usually good, but not in this case.

In this study, these antibodies target some of the common cold coronavirus-like spike proteins (located on the surface of the coronavirus that help infect cells) that the immune system remembered from previous infections. I showed that I was doing it. Unfortunately, targeting these areas meant that the antibody was unable to neutralize the new SARS-CoV-2 virus. If the levels of these antibodies rise faster than the levels of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies, the patient’s illness worsens and is more likely to die.

“For those who were sick, who were in the ICU or who died in the hospital, the immune system responded well in a less protective way,” said the lead investigator. Martin Zand, MD, Ph.D. , I’m Senior Associate Dean in URMC’s clinical research. “These patients took longer for the immune system to make protective antibodies … unfortunately, it was too late for some patients.”

This study increases the pool of evidence that a phenomenon called immune imprinting is involved in the COVID immune response.Zand, who is also the co-director of Institute for Clinical Translation Science, University of Rochester (UR CTSI), This phenomenon is likened to “immunity distraction”. Immunity against one threat (seasonal coronavirus) hijacks a new but similar threat (SARS-CoV-2) immune response. Imprinting is associated with a reduced immune response to other viruses such as influenza and can affect vaccine strategies.

According to some predictions, COVID may have been with us for a long time. New, milder strains emerge and circulate annually or seasonally. If these predictions apply, this study suggests that new vaccines targeting new strains of SARS-CoV-2 need to be developed on a regular basis. No company is on the market yet, but pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Modana are developing and testing new versions of the COVID vaccine as new concerns emerge.

“The development of a new vaccine should be expected to be good. It does not mean that the original science was wrong. It means that nature has changed. We need an immune system that pays attention to the right things. If so, we need to teach new tricks with different vaccines. “

This study analyzed 188 blood samples collected during the pre-COVID era (prior to December 2019) as controls.Some of the blood samples analyzed for the study were provided by URCTSI COVID-19 BiobankURCTSI and URMC Shared Resource Labs, a repository of blood samples from hundreds of patients with or without COVID infection.

The following URMC researchers also contributed to this research. Jiong Wang, B. Med. , MS, Dr. Lee Dong Myung, Dr. Andrew Cameron, Qian Zhou, BM, MSAlexander Wiltse, Jennifer Nayak, MDAnd Nicole Pecora.




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