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The innovative’Manban’is aimed at speeding up the diagnosis of cancer, says ANP.

The innovative’Manban’is aimed at speeding up the diagnosis of cancer, says ANP.


An innovative new outreach program will be launched in London to provide men with free health examinations and support early diagnosis of prostate and other urinary cancers.

The mobile clinic, known as “Manbang,” will improve men’s medical access by visiting workplaces and churches in the capital, starting with Croydon.

“Men often seek medical assistance that is too late for cancer and other serious health conditions.”

Fionua La McCarthy

It is intended for men who are less likely to undergo regular health examinations and are at risk of being diagnosed with cancer at times when treatment is more difficult.

This program was developed by the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, RM Partners West London Cancer Alliance, and the Institute of Cancer Research in London.

It focuses on working-age men who often have worse outcomes for prostate cancer than older men, especially manual men who often have difficulty accessing health care.

According to the people behind the initiative, black men who are about twice as likely to develop prostate cancer and are at increased risk of dying when diagnosed are also encouraged to be tested.

Pilots will investigate whether van care models can improve the diagnosis and survival of men in these high-risk groups. If successful, this approach could be more widely deployed throughout the NHS.

Fionua La McCarthy, a senior nurse practitioner from Royal Marsden, currently works in Manban, the only nurse.

Fionua La McCarthy

“Men often seek medical assistance that is too late for cancer and other serious health conditions,” McCarthy said.

“By delivering vans directly to men at work and in the community, we want to facilitate early detection and treatment of people who may see a doctor only after the cancer has progressed.”

she said Nursing Times Her role was to run a clinic in a van with a clinical researcher.

“During each appointment, I give the man a series of tests, including a PSA test, if appropriate, to check for common conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure,” she said.

“We also provide men with mental health assessments and healthy lifestyle advice, including eating, smoking and drinking.”

She added: “After each clinic, I will discuss the findings with the men I evaluated and, with their consent, share this information with my GP.

“If necessary, men will be referred to a professional service for further investigation or treatment. If an increased risk of cancer is potentially detected, Royal Marsden will be offered as a referral option with a local hospital. increase.”

The van is currently at the construction site in Croydon and is offering reservations to employees of the international construction company Lend-Lease.

Van plans to eventually visit sites throughout West London. Last week’s event officially started around the same time as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

Van works with the Unite Labor Union to visit the workplace, along with community organizations such as Croydon’s support groups and churches.

“The van provides a private and relaxing space where men can come and chat about their health.”

Nick James

It also provides men with the opportunity to participate in clinical trials conducted by Royal Marsden and the Cancer Institute aimed at improving survival from prostate cancer.

These include PROFILE studies that hope to find out why some men, including black men, are at high risk for prostate cancer and to develop new ways to improve their diagnosis and treatment.

Nick James, a professor of prostate and bladder cancer research at the Institute of Cancer Research and a consultant clinical oncology scholar at Royal Marsden, said: Take a simple but potentially life-saving test by your clinician.

“We hope that this approach will be more widely deployed throughout the NHS if Manban proves to be an effective model,” he said.

Former Olympic athlete and prostate cancer activist Linford Christie is also supporting the Manban Initiative.

He states: “My mother worked as a nurse at Royal Marsden. I’m excited that the hospital is launching this wonderful new service.”

(Simulated) patient consulting with Fionnuala McCarthy in Manban

(Simulated) patient consulting with Fionnuala McCarthy in Manban




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