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Women pay a high price for high blood pressure

Women pay a high price for high blood pressure


The price of rising blood pressure in Ireland is one of the best internationally, which has traditionally been considered a problem for men, but hypertension carries a certain risk for women. ..

A survey of more than 525,000 people aged 40-80 years analyzed 123 national surveys conducted over the last 40 years and found that 43% of Irish women raised blood pressure. Lancet.. For women in their 40s and older, elevated blood pressure comes with a naked warning that it can double the risk of a heart attack in subsequent life.

Normal or ideal blood pressure is thought to be 90/60 mmHg to 120/80 mmHG, but last year a Norwegian researcher who followed 6,381 women and 5.948 men from 41 years of age measured 130-139 mmHg. Was found to be rising slightly. Above 80-89 mmHg was a stronger risk factor for heart attack in women over the next 16 years than in men.

“The results add to the evidence that high blood pressure has a particularly detrimental effect on women’s minds,” wrote Esther Kringeland of the University of Bergen, lead author of the paper. European journal of preventive medicine.

Hypertension is one of the most important controllable risk factors for heart disease, but it is often ignored or the ashes are undiagnosed.In Lancet There were concerns about the level of reporting, diagnosis, treatment and management of high blood pressure in Ireland — more More than half (56%) of women were tested for hypertension, compared to 86% in the United States and 87% in Germany. According to the Irish Heart Foundation, about half of Irish adults over the age of 45 have high blood pressure, but not treated to about 2 of all 3 women (compared to 4 of all 5 men). hand).

Why is there more risk than women because of elevated blood pressure? According to Kringeland, there are likely to be some differences in the response of the arterioles to hypertension between men and women. “Young women have a lower mean blood pressure than men, but an increase in steep slopes was observed in women who started in the thirty years of life,” she said.

This follows a 2020 study that the proposed blood pressure rises at a faster rate as it begins to increase in women than men at a younger age.

Complications with pregnancy and hormonal changes during menopause can also affect blood pressure, but the Irish Heart Foundation says poor lifestyle remains the greatest enemy. You can increase all of your blood pressure, drink too much alcohol, consume sodium, be overweight, and don’t eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables.

Here’s what you can do to maintain your blood pressure with a check:

Do your own reading

Monitors that can measure blood pressure at home are cheap. The Irish Heart Foundation says it helps to keep track of measurements. If you are already suffering from high blood pressure and are thinking about buying a blood pressure monitor, we recommend checking out, an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the accuracy of blood pressure measurement and diagnosis of high blood pressure. To do.

One-time high readings generally have nothing to worry about when blood pressure flows with Ebbs, but IHF is your GP or practice nursing if your BP remains elevated for a couple of weeks. I advise you to see your teacher.

Reduce salt

Our average daily salt intake is about 10g for adults. According to the Food Safety Agency, we all know the need to reduce it as “these intakes are often in excess of physiological demands” and a high salt diet is known for negative shock blood pressure. Collaborative studies with low salt intake show blood pressure that does not increase with age. A feasible daily goal for adults is 6 grams of salt per day or below, FSA states.

Quit smoking

Last year, researched at BMJ Increased daily consumption of tobacco had significantly higher systolic blood pressure, found female smokers, generally increased their smoking consumption, and examined better predictors of health risk than males Did. However, a 15-year follow-up, managed and terminated, male and female smokers had an improvement in maximal blood pressure in the smoking cohort.

Reduce your alcohol intake

A study involving more than 17,000 adults presented to the American College of Cardiology in 2019 found moderate alcohol consumption, even at 7-13 units per week, causing a significant increase in blood pressure. Researchers at the Wake Forest Baptist Health Sciences and Medical Center said that alcohol activity in the brain and liver can contribute to blood pressure spikes. What’s the best advice? Reduce the amount you drink.

HSE recommends that women consume less than 17 standard drinks (170G pure alcohol) and less than 11 standard drinks (110G pure alcohol) and men per week.

Add isometric exercise

Walking, running, swimming and cycling are aerobic exercises and continue to be important for controlling and lowering blood pressure.Isometric Exercise-Contracted static holds, wall-sitting, planks, and glute bridges for objects that do not move muscles-2022 Range of hypertensive activity for review Among the recommended by Oxford University researchers to see the effect European Journal of Preventive Cardiology..

“There is some evidence that isometric exercise can lead to a significant reduction in people with normal or mildly elevated blood pressure when compared to other forms of strength training and aerobic exercise. “The lead author, Professor Paul Leason, said.




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