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Diversity of research topics in virtual summit Alzheimer’s disease


June is the month of Alzheimer’s disease and brain awareness, the time to educate the community about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. On June 12, the Florida branch of the Alzheimer’s Association will host a free educational event for people, caregivers, professionals, and communities in the early stages of dementia. Dementia Research and Policy Summit: Diversity in Alzheimer’s Disease Research is an Important Frontier Keynote Speaker Dr. Karl V. Hill, MPH.

As Vice Chairman of the Scientific Engagement of the Alzheimer’s Association, Dr. Hill oversees the association’s strategic efforts to raise global awareness of its international research programs. Dr. Hill is also working on a network of staff, volunteers, and donors in more than 75 association chapters to accelerate research on Alzheimer’s disease and to better understand the association’s role in sharing scientific updates. .. Prior to joining the association, Dr. Hill was Director of the Special Population Bureau of the National Institute for Aging (NIA). For six years at the NIA, he led the development of the Health Disparity Research Framework, which stimulates research focused on aging-related health disparities.

Topics discussed during the event include health equity, early detection and diagnosis in Alzheimer’s and dementia research, the latest advances in clinical trials and lifestyle interventions. Dr. Hill will also discuss how policies intersect and make the necessary changes in Alzheimer’s and dementia health care.

“Diversity and research on Alzheimer’s disease are fundamental to protecting public health in a country where all people live longer,” says Dr. Hill. “The lack of diverse participation and perspective reduces the chances of understanding how this devastating illness develops in all US groups. The dual risk of health disparity studies and equity in the United States.” “

In addition to Dr. Hill, the Secretary of State, Florida Secretary Richard Prudhomme, and Dementia Certified Program Managers Amy Schenck, RN, BSN, MSEd, and CDP will participate.

“As we continue to advocate for more research, programs, services, and funding, everyone we offer is empowered to tackle the many challenges this disease poses, We want to make sure we have access to all the information we need to be confident.” Angela Macquarie, Regional Leader of the Alzheimer’s Society.

The interactive virtual summit starts at 1pm. ET. Participants can ask questions during the question and answer time. There is no participation fee, but registration is required. Register online at Or call 800.272.3900.

About the Alzheimer’s disease association

The Alzheimer’s Association accelerates global research, promotes risk reduction and early detection, and maximizes quality care and support to end Alzheimer’s disease and all other dementias. I am leading. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease and all other dementias. Visit or call (800) 272-3900.

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