Richter Skill’s developer was a scientist with Butler County roots
The celebration was actually held for the past two years, due to pandemic restrictions, and they had planned to do it again this year, but announced last week that there would be no official program this year.
Anne Jantzen, one of the founders of the association, also known for her support of the Krisholm Friends, said they still encourage individual commemoration of Charles Richter.
“We invite locals to bring a boulder, ornate or simple, to place at the Richter Ohio Historic Sign at Richter Roundabout on Richter’s birthday, April 26, as a tribute to this great scientist who was born on Ware Road in Butler County, Ohio,” said Ohio. On that day or any time in April, students, teachers, and learners of all ages are encouraged to delve deeper into the study of earthquakes and learn about the scientist who developed the Richter Scale. An easy way to access this information is by going to the website, or by watching Richter’s great video on YouTube. These two sources were produced by Friends of Chrisholm Historic Farmstead with a grant from the WE Smith Family Charitable Trust.
Using as many earthquake cues as she could muster, Jantzen gave a brief summary of the name change for the celebration.
Jantzen said it was fitting that the celebration take place in April because it has been recognized as Autism Awareness Month. Richter’s life was difficult because he was not “normal” in the eyes of society and had difficulty making friends. It was because he had Asperger’s syndrome, a mild form of high-functioning autism whose symptoms include difficulty with social interaction and sensory reception.
“It’s a good example of someone who had to struggle, but who made great contributions to science,” Jantzen said. “He was homeschooling and had a nervous breakdown in high school in California. In college, he started studying chemistry but he was nervous and broke a lot of cups, so he suggested he go to a different field.”
He had started college at the University of Southern California but moved to Stanford to major in chemistry, but after being asked to change majors, he enrolled in physics and graduated at the age of twenty.
The stress led to a severe depressive episode that required hospitalization. After that, he moved on to graduate work in physics and seemed likely to do research in the field and become a professor. By “happy coincidence,” he got the job at the Seismological Laboratory at Caltech and began his research.
In a brief biography of Richter in 2012, Jantzen described this work: “This involved studying vast amounts of data the day before for personal computers. But Richter insisted, ‘My calculations worked out much better than I expected and produced this final numerical scale that fell Practically from the data.” The Richter Scale was born!”
Richter (1900-1985) was born in Saint Clair Top. He spent his early years on his mother’s family farm. His parents – Lillian and Frederick Kinsinger – had a daughter, Margaret, and then divorced. They married again eight years later, and Charles was born but later divorced again. Kinsinger remarried but Lillian changed her name back to her family name, Richter, and Charles later changed his name to Richter as well.
They lived with her parents on their family farm on Weir Road near Overbeek until he was about the age of ten and his grandfather moved the family to California.
Richter’s early years in Butler County are celebrated with a historic landmark, and thanks to students from Edgewood High School, the roundabout near the school was officially named “Richter Roundabout” despite the county and state hesitation.
Jantzen explained that the students made the proposal and were told that no other rotor name was given. The students persevered and became the first.
In years past, participants were asked to bring a stone with a message on it and to wear my shoes instead of a tie.
Mike Brodzinsky, a professor at the University of Miami, said in a video on charlesrichter.org that Richter was so busy with his research that his secretary reminded him of a meeting at which he was due to give a presentation. I suggested he put on a tie, which he didn’t have, and replaced it with one of his shoelaces.
He reportedly turned to her and asked, “Will that do the trick?”
It’s all a little fun, but he’s seriously intent on sparking an interest in the scientist who contributed to the knowledge of earthquakes and started life here in Butler County.
Sources 2/ https://www.journal-news.com/news/richter-scales-developer-was-a-scientist-with-butler-county-roots/YN6Q2JEGCZBD7I6ELRRXVGXPJU/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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