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Mexican town skirmishes after president denies gang leader targeted


MEXICO (Reuters) – Security operation in Guanajuato state was not aimed at capturing gang leader Jose "El Marro" Yepez, Mexican President said Wednesday after gunmen blocked roads with vehicles in flames and exchanged fire with the security forces.

Cheeky skirmishes in the city of Celaya in Guanajuato have fueled widespread speculation that the security forces had approached Yepez, the head of the Santa Rosa de Lima criminal cartel, and perhaps had him stopped.

Chaotic scenes around the industrial city last year echoed the fighting in the northern city of Culiacan, when a massive reaction from the Sinaloa cartel led to the liberation of the brief detention of one of the sons of the famous kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

The decision to release Ovidio Guzman led security experts to warn that other cartels would learn to react violently against future security operations.

However, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said the violence in Celaya was different from what happened in Culiacan. The operation was not an attempt to capture Yepez, he said.

He did not specify, except to tell reporters that the operation was linked to previous arrests of other gang members.

The Santa Rosa de Lima cartel is believed to be behind the theft of gasoline from illegal taps on pipelines owned by the national oil company Pemex, a criminal racket that has grown considerably in recent years. .

"El Marro" is also suspected of organizing fuel theft directly at a Pemex refinery near the city of Salamanca.

His wife was arrested in late January only to be released a few days later after a judge determined there was insufficient evidence against her. Last week, Yepez's father was arrested on charges of driving a stolen car.

Lopez Obrador aggressively faced fuel theft at the start of last year, shortly after taking office, ordering the temporary shutdown of particularly vulnerable pipelines, which resulted in weeks of fuel shortages.

Pemex data shows that illegal fuel pipeline taps have dropped dramatically in the last year.

Report by Lizbeth Diaz and David Alire Garcia; Editing by Robert Birsel and Tom Brown

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