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Poll Finds Community Left Out Of Dress Code | features


PAYETTE – In January, eighth-grade student from McCain High School, asked her peers about their feelings about the 2019-2020 Payette School District dress code. After finding that their opinion on the policy was a collective boost, Cody expanded his survey to include district parents, staff members and community members, including business owners. Cody, the president of all of McCain's students, presented his latest findings as part of the Citizen Comments section of the regular March 9 board meeting.

This investigation was prompted by the encouragement of teachers, school staff, parents, students and affected community members, Cody told council. I never thought it would go further than my school. This produced very good information which can be useful to the school board in reconsidering the structure of the dress code.

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The survey collected a total of 295 total responses:

Payette parents made up the largest share of respondents, 61.3%, followed by students at 17.4%, followed by community members and business owners at 15.4%.

When asked which school respondents were associated with, 30.2% responded that they were associated with more than one school. Respondents said they had heard of the survey for the first time via the Internet and social media, 57.1%.

Here is a sample of the responses to the survey questions:

When asked about their greatest concern with the dress code, the two main items were the availability of compliant clothing (32.5%) and the cost of this clothing (31.9%).

When asked to rate the dress code on a scale of 1 to 10, 48.8% of respondents gave it a 1, with 2 and 10 tied for second place at 8.5 %.

When asked if sweats or sportswear should be allowed, 58.6% said yes.

When asked if stripes and patterns should be allowed (dress code currently only allows solid colors), 93.7% said yes.

When asked if they would approve coats, jackets and outerwear in pirate colors only, 76.4% said no.

When asked if pirate-only designs would be acceptable, 52% said yes.

82.8% said that larger brand logos should be allowed.

Comments on the survey included the following. Comments on the survey were made anonymously:

It is ridiculously difficult to find clothes for my daughter that match this dress code.

I would have chosen each choice with the greatest concern if I could have.

The dress code is socialism. We are a community.

Cody noted that some comments on the survey included comments saying that it was poorly written and biased.

Chairman of the Board Adam Rynearson acknowledged how respectful Cody was when he presented his findings, telling Codys' father Steven Smithies that you should be proud.

Smithies noted that many comments on the survey found a flaw in the way it was written. Smithies asked people to keep in mind that this investigation was written by a minor.

Everyone should realize that this survey, and the previous one, was written by a fourteen-year-old high school student, says Smithies. Cody intervened and conducted the first investigation with the need to understand why his comrades felt compelled to reject school authority and the need to protest the current dress code.

On another note, Codys' father noted a comment on the dress code investigation that seemed remarkable to him: depression and bullying are rampant right now; and that is what should worry us so that we do not lose more children. And I could add to that, that the stress that the expectations we put on our children, as well as those they have imposed on themselves, which leads to thoughts of defeat, self-harm and even suicide, said Smithies. To my knowledge, our schools have no tools to combat this. If they do, they seem to be a big secret.

He urged the Council to take more action to combat bullying and depression.

We should have assemblies of the whole school for this and discuss it with everyone. We need to let our children know that it is okay to discuss it with their peers as well as with teachers and counselors.

Rynearson acknowledged his comments, adding that the district currently offers tools to students to tackle bullying.

Cody, who is also involved in athletics and other school-related activities, admitted that the investigation took up a great deal of his free time and caused him some stress.

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