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Boris Johnson's government "ready to crush the economy", say MEPs | Latest Brexit News and Updates



PUBLISHED: 4:44 PM March 11, 2020 | UPDATE: 16:59 March 11, 2020

Chancellor Rishi Sunak (right) sits after tabling his budget in the London House of Commons. Photo: House of Commons / PA Wire.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak (right) sits after tabling his budget in the London House of Commons. Photo: House of Commons / PA Wire.

MPs have learned that Boris Johnson was "ready to bring the economy down" to make his ambitions a reality.

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Ian Blackford, the head of the SNP in Westminster, said by warning against "the narrow ideology of Brexit fanboys led by Dominic Cummings who currently heads the Treasury".

Responding to Chancellor Rishi Sunak's budget in the House of Commons, Blackford voiced concerns over government trade negotiations with the EU after Brexit, arguing that “ instead of cooperation and close ties, they are headed Towards divergence and deregulation & amp; # 39 ;.

He said: “ Scotland will end up paying a heavy price for a future that we have not bought … We have a government that is ready to crush our economy, we have a government that is ready to lay off Scottish workers, not on our behalf. & # 39;

His remarks came as OBR estimated economic growth at 0.0% in the last three months of 2019, and revised figures for the coming years, which are expected to be the lowest since the financial crisis.

MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber said it was a budget "produced by a group of people who are experts in making slogans but amateurs in delivering 39; a competent government ".

"The new slogan from the Conservatives' beaks increases funding for living standards, so let's judge them by their record."

He said the Conservatives "cut spending per person on public services by 21%", adding: "This budget is far from closing or reversing this devastating legacy".

He added, "Let's be clear – impoverishing the poor was a conservative political choice.

"Why did the Conservatives make these political choices? Because, as always, they serve their own interests and those of those they serve.

Blackford accused the government of presiding over a “productivity crisis” for a decade.

He added: "The impression of money for the financial services sector only ultimately helped those who work in the financial services sector.

"Improving productivity and capital investment for society at large has never been discussed. So today I challenge the Chancellor, will he "Commit to initiating a review of the impact of bonus culture in financial services and its effect on general economic activity."

Blackford called on chancellor to increase monthly allowance for universal credit and end benefit limit, raise benefits above inflation and restore lost value of four-year freeze .

"In addition, remove the two-child cap on tax credits and remove the rape clause, and introduce a payment system for children similar to that in Scotland and do justice to WASPI women", a- he added.

Regarding the BBC's license fees, he said: "It is time to pay, stop punishing retirees and keep the television license free for everyone over the age of 75".

Blackford added: "Conservative immigration plans will devastate Scotland and the United Kingdom and the Chancellor must include a partial fig leaf to prevent the Scottish Conservative blushing on immigration will not be enough. "

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