Boris Johnson's boom: Conservative support reaches 50% of asLabour humiliated in poll | Politics | New
The poll, undertaken by Kantar Public, examined Westminster's intention to vote across the UK. He revealed that 50% of those polled between March 5 and March 9 intended to vote for the Conservative Party if there were to be an election at the moment. The ballot was a victory for the Conservatives and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who increased their theoretical voting share by five percentage points.
This was compared to a humiliating result for the Labor Party, which only garnered 29 percent of the theoretical votes.
Jeremy Corbyn’s party lost four percentage points in what is a blow to the Labor party, which is currently in the process of electing a new leader.
In comparison, the Liberal Democrats hold 11% of the vote, one percentage point less.
The Green Party finds itself in a similar situation, losing one percentage point to 2%.
Survey Shows Mr. Johnson's Success, But Embarrassment For Mr. Corbyn (Image: Getty)
There seems to be less rivalry between the parties as the Conservatives progress (Image: Getty)
Published on Twitter by Britain Elects, the UK's largest poll aggregator, the results reflect changes from the 2019 general election.
The December election was a decisive victory for the Conservative Party, but a shock and brutal defeat for the Labor Party.
The election was widely regarded as the worst defeat for Labor in a generation.
This led to the resignation of Mr Corbyn, who remains in his leadership role until the election of an appropriate replacement.
2019 elections widely viewed as a failure for the Labor Party (Image: Getty)
Mr. Johnson's party stormed the victory with an overwhelming majority of 80 seats, seizing seats in the so-called "red wall", many areas that had never had a Conservative MP for years.
Brexit was seen as the main electoral issue in the elections, and Johnson’s firm promise to “make Brexit happen” seemed to appeal to the electorate.
However, the survey announcement appeared to divide opinion on social media.
A social media user wrote, "Absolutely fantastic! People who believe in our country and perhaps signal the end of the waking side who keep trying to bring our great country to the ground!
"A real victory for common sense!"
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Another tweeted, "The job is finished as a viable political party."
And even a Labor supporter wrote: "The sooner this contest is over, the better.
"Corbyn should have gone immediately after the election."
However, some have questioned the support of the Conservative party.
One social media user said, "10% growth in polls, 0% growth in the economy."
"I'm glad Boris Johnson has his priorities clearly defined!"
Another asked, "What do people see in this government?"
The next general election is expected to be held in Britain in 2024 due to the rule of fixed-term parliament.
Labor party members hope that they will be able to reverse the trend in the meantime.
The Conservatives, however, have reaffirmed their focus on the development of a post-Brexit Britain, spurred on by the infusion of £ 640 billion into infrastructure announced today by Chancellor Rishi Sunak.
Chancellor's plans aim to move forward with Brexit (Image: Getty)
The government’s finance and economy ministry has promised to spend more on the NHS, infrastructure, affordable housing and education.
Kantar interviewed 1,171 adults living in Britain between March 5 and 9, 2020.
The interviews were conducted using the Kantar Research Express Online Omnibus, which uses the Kantar online access panel as a sample source.
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