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FEMA expects to approve $640 million in earthquake recovery projects by year-end – News is My Business

FEMA expects to approve 0 million in earthquake recovery projects by year-end – News is My Business
FEMA expects to approve 0 million in earthquake recovery projects by year-end – News is My Business


A series of earthquakes hit Puerto Rico in 2020, bringing down structures.

Public housing facilities, police operations centers, child care centers, and libraries are some of the municipal buildings that will be repaired with a multi-million dollar allocation from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Nearly half of the $640 million, or $309 million, earmarked is for 488 permanent construction projects that include other structures damaged by the earthquakes that rocked Puerto Rico in January 2020.

“With this money, municipalities can replenish damaged spaces to provide services back to their communities,” said FEMA Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator José G. Baquero.

“The recovery supports a better quality of life for the residents of these municipalities and the reconstruction is directed towards this end,” he said.

Funds for municipalities along Puerto Rico’s southern, central, and western regions include seven public housing complexes in Guánica and Ponce. More than 2,300 people will have better and safer homes after repairs are completed with approved funds, said Alejandro Salgado Colon, director of the Department of Public Housing.

“Following the earthquakes that mostly shook the southern region of the island, we looked for ways to continue addressing the damage that puts the homes of the affected families at risk,” said Salgado Colon.

Truthfully, this commitment of funds represents another step toward disaster recovery. We still have a long way to go, but we are sure that, in cooperation with the federal agencies, we will complete a complete reconstruction for the benefit of our residents. ”

One of the facilities affected was the Montalva Community Center in Guanica. Works to be completed with a commitment of more than $779,000 include the demolition of the center, where workshops and other social and community development activities will take place after reconstruction.

“The Montalva Community Center has been a mixed-use center serving the community through social events that make an impact,” said Guánica Mayor Ismael Rodriguez-Ramos.

“With this allotment, we will rebuild a facility that serves all generations of people from Guánica; young ones with workshops that encourage development, as well as the elderly, by being a gathering and welcoming place that serves them in different ways.

The reforms also take into account public and community service spaces, as in some centers serving more than 22,000 Lagas residents. The funds were allocated to the municipal building, the center where the municipal police station and the municipal emergency management office are located.

In addition, repairs will be completed at the multi-service center for the elderly, which has a capacity of more than 90 people and provides meals and activities for the bedridden.

“This significant commitment of federal funds will give communities peace of mind and the opportunity to begin rebuilding their living spaces,” said Manuel Lapuy, Executive Director of the Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience (COR3).

“To date, COR3 has spent $258 million to address matters relating to this disaster that affected us two years ago and we are committed to continuing to be facilitators in this challenging task,” he said.

This story was written by our employees based on a press release.




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