PMQ: Boris Johnson's track record on women is under review
The Prime Minister's questions came at an interesting time, to say the least. Not only is this the day when we see the first budget since the Prime Minister won his 80-seat majority, and since the United Kingdom left the EU, but the country also faces it the spread of the coronavirus. On Sunday, following the International Women's Day session, Jeremy Corbyn spent most of his time questioning Boris Johnson on his misogyny record. He asked the Prime Minister to apologize for the comments he had made in the past and to reverse discriminatory policies against women across the country.
The Labor leader has produced overwhelming figures: 86% of the cuts made by successive Conservative governments fell "disproportionately on women"; women are still paid 17% less than men. Why has life expectancy decreased for the poorest women in our society? His line of questioning saw Johnson oddly point to the proportion of pregnant women who smoke. Does PM think women need to prove that their baby was conceived as a result of rape to keep their child tax credits? Will he end the two-child tax credit policy that creates this situation? This produced a surprising response: "It draws attention to an injustice, and we will do our best to remedy it." Did he really mean that? It would be very important in this case.
Corbyn asked Johnson to apologize for his previous comments, including calling Muslim women "bank robbers" or suggesting that you "pat" your female colleagues "on the bottom and send them to their way". A defensive retort ensued, he would not follow the lessons of a party that had no leader. It was a consistent theme today. A referenced sexist policy or comment, an example of structural misogyny highlighted, will only be followed by an answer that will absolutely not answer the question.
Johnson mentioned the domestic violence bill that was introduced, but, as Corbyn pointed out, the government has not committed the funding to make it more than a "chunk" of paper". Not only was Johnson's poor personal file on women investigated; his inability to address issues of structural misogyny has also been revealed. It was both sad and revealing to see that the Prime Minister's responses today gave no indication that this government would take positive and tangible action to protect or promote the rights of women in our society.
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