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Melania Trump unveils tennis pavilion for the White House


The first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, revealed that a tennis pavilion, which is inspired by the neoclassical style of the White House, is being built on the grounds of the presidential residence.

Melania Trump, whose husband Donald Trump is President, revealed on Twitter that the construction of the tennis pavilion is underway. The building appears to have been designed in-house by the National parks service (NPS).

"I am delighted to share the progress of the Tennis Pavilion (Sic) at @WhiteHouse," she said. tweeted next to pictures of her on the spot. "Thank you to the talented team for their hard work and dedication."

Tennis pavilion by Melania Trump
The project will replace an existing building west of the tennis courts

The structure will replace a building that currently houses toilets and storage space near the field tennis courts, which covers more than 7.3 hectares.

Pavilion design is "heavily influenced by White House architecture," says NPS report created for the final review of the project last year. Inspired by the neoclassical building, completed in 1800, the pavilion will be adorned with columns and large arched windows.

"He will use the design of the White House as a source of inspiration and incorporate architectural elements such as a colonnade, large picture windows and picture windows in the facades," added NPS.

Other details include a white limestone cladding and a copper roof were also chosen to match the style of the White House.

Tennis pavilion by Melania Trump
The tennis pavilion elevations are taken from the White House

President Trump, Melania Trump's husband, expressed his love for classical architecture earlier this year in a draft decree that would require that all new federal buildings be built in style.

According to the NPS document, the Melania Trump tennis pavilion is intended to provide a more unified connection between two other on-site construction projects designed by the first ladies.

These include the allotment of vegetables from the vegetable patch led by Michelle Obama and the kindergarten play area completed by Lady Bird Johnson in 1968.

It is also the first in part of a two-stage site transformation project, located south of the garden. The second phase aims to replace the maintenance building of the neighboring NPS called the pony shed.

Tennis pavilion by Melania Trump
The pavilion (C) is intended to provide a more unified connection with the kindergarten (B) and the vegetable patch (D)

Tennis Pavilion is not Melania's first foray into architecture and design. She started an undergraduate degree in architecture at University of Ljubljana but left the course after his first year to continue modeling in Milan.

This context appeared after her revelation, she falsely declared that she had a degree in architecture on her website and was forced to delete it.

In 2018, it was reported that she also designed a "clean" logo to support her Be Best initiative.

The images are courtesy of National Capital Planning Commission.

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